Page 7 - GM booklet 2019 test
P. 7

2.5    Progress of Pro. LPGs trainings:

                      Pro.    Total    1st phase     2nd        ETTC         G&SR        G&SR      Under
                      LPG                           phase  completed  completed           due     handling
                      Panel     86          -        4due        82            85          1          1
                       Non                                       98           114          35        70
                      panel    149        129       31  due
                      Total    235        129       35 due       180          199          36        71

                   2.6  System Improvements by TRSO Organization:

                         1) Considering  the  previous  instances  of  yard  derailments/incidences  by
                           LP/Shunters, a Pocket size yard layout diagram duly indicating shunt signals
                           was prepared and issued to all the LP/Shunters to serve as ready reckoner
                           and  have a  better lookout in  ensuring safety.  In  addition, Yard simulation
                           system  was  developed at Crew Lobby/BZA to learn  the signals  and  road
                           knowledge by the LP(S).

                         2) Web based CMMA App was developed for monitoring the CLl's movements
                           to ensure true working and no monitoring dues to any of their running staff
                           includlng generation and extraction of CLl's monthly reports. With this, vision
                           on  CLls  movements  and  monitoring  of  their  running  staff  has  improves
                           under the overseer of the division.
                        3)  Digital Caution Order Management (DIGCOM) system was extended to the
                           Crew Lobby/BTTR, RJY with inclusion of gradients in the section since April-
                           2019 for the usage of running staff to go through the section during Sign ON.
                         4)  Apart  from  all  the  work  load  of  monitoring  the  loco  crew  operations  the
                           booking of Guards at crf!1N lobbies and their occupancy at running rooms on
                           par with loco crew is being ensured.

                         5) Consequent to the merger of Diesel traction with Electrical, the work load of
                           Diesel  operations  and  running  rooms  at  NS,  MTM  including  rest  room  at
                           BVRM is dealt successfully.  The dual traction training to the required loco
                           crew as well as Clls was completed as targeted.

                         6) 307  T ABs  loaded  with  digitalized
                           G&SR,  Loco  Trouble  shooting  Guide,
                            Accident  &  Block  Working  manuals
                            and  Working  Time  Tables  of  the
                            owning  and  neighboring  divisions,
                            Rough Journals have been supplied on trial basis. The concept has proved
                            successful and innovative and is being adopted by the neighboring divisions
                            and other sister departments.
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