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           Quality begins with Me

           Quality isn’t someone else’s responsibility.       of sampling across all drug -device combination products
           Quality begins with you. So what can you do?       in partnership with our regulatory agencies.  Laverne
                                                              demonstrated Patient Focus QBwM behaviours by ensuring
                                                              that there was no impact on product quality assurance levels.
           Be courageous. If you see something, say
           something                                          Patrick Hynes  demonstrated Courageous QBwM behaviors
                                                              when he identified that units built for validation purposes
           Put the patient first                              were built prior to the  Engineering Build Request (EBR)
                                                              being approved and therefore did not meet Quality System
           Strive to prevent issues before they arise         requirements. His actions correctly resulted in the units not
                                                              being used for the validation protecting both his team , the
           Hold each other accountable                        business and ultimately the patient .

                                                              Stacy Flanagan demonstrated Patient Focus QBwM
           Imagine what we can do for patients when each of us acts   behaviours. During shutdown an urgent request was
           like quality begins with me – by exhibiting these behaviors.  submitted to the Sterile Release department to release a
           Every day, we strive to be seen as a trusted partner. One   COC to Japan for the launch of Micra product. The inspectors
           way we build trust in Medtronic is by continuously striving to   trained to complete this task were on annual leave. Stacey
           improve our quality performance.  Quality Begins with Me   willingly acceded to the request to come into work at short
           (QBwM) will improve our quality performance by elevating our   notice to prepare and release the necessary COC  which
           quality culture – our “tone at the top” and the way we engage   necessitated having to bring her children with her to complete
           employees in patient safety, quality awareness and compliance   the urgent task.
           every day.
           Recently Laverne Mullen, Quality Engineer Operations B2,  lead
           a team to develop a strategy to reduce sampling and reserve
           quantity requirements on IN.PACT Admiral product (this is a
           drug device combination product).
           The development of this pioneering sampling strategy
           required collaboration and buy in across several different
           functions (including our regulatory agencies) and innovative
           thinking from the project team, all of  which ultimately
           culminated in successful regulatory approval of the new
           strategy. The results of this groundbreaking endeavor will
           deliver a significant cost savings for the business of up to
           $1million annually. Moreover it has paved the way for ongoing
           work to develop further innovative and unique strategies   Stacy Flanagan, Laverne Mullen, Patrick Hynes

        Parkmore Quality Partner in Excellence
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