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            FOR COPE GALWAY

           Background                                         Howley & Billy Murphy made 2 trips on a Saturday
           As part of the Quality Functional Strategy, there was a   morning to transport the sleeping bags from COPE to
           realisation of the need for a Quality Team to work on   the cleaning company in Spiddal. Patrick Curran, who
           Philanthropy events. This group is to act as a platform   co-ordinated the drive, delivered the first consignment
           for team building across the diverse Quality Groups and   of clean sleeping bags from Spiddal to COPE. The
           develop a sense of community and citizenship across   second half of the shipment was proudly delivered
           the organisation. The overall goal of the group is to run   outside working hours on a Friday evening by Sharon
           an impactful quality led and driven Project 6 in June   Murtagh, Gerry Howley & Judy Grealish, in time for the
           2018. However, in the interim, the plan is for the group to   cold winter months. A big effort from the team turned
           get involved in smaller philanthropy events on site.   around 300 of the 500 sleeping bags in four weeks, with
                                                              the final 200 sleeping bags delivered to COPE before the
           Sleeping bag drive                                 middle of November. Over half of the sleeping bags are
           The first event the group led was the “QA Rapid    already in use!
           Response” sleeping bag drive to provide sleeping bags
           for homeless people. This year, COPE (a charitable   Future planned activities
           organisation) was donated 500 sleeping bags from   Stay tuned for further QA Philantrophy events planned
           Electric picnic (a music festival) which needed to   throughout the year.
           be cleaned quickly due to the time of year. The QA   P. Curran, J. Grealish, L. Mullen, S. Murtagh,
           Philanthropy group realised there was an opportunity   A. Farragher, W. Murphy, K. Quinn, C. Duffy, A. Finnegan.
           to step in and help out. The team  found a cleaning
           company who were willing to volunteer their services
           (worth over €3k!) if transport could be provided.
           Employees used their own vehicles and a van was
           kindly supplied by the warehouse. Patrick Curran, Gerry

                                                                  Parkmore Quality Partner in Excellence
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