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In The Quality Spotlight
Vice President, Global CSH and APV
What is your favourite music? process. The Tamale maker helps her lean out the
Well I was born and raised in Texas so of course… process and makes it easier and quicker for her and
Country Western music – Tim McGraw- Alan her friends to feed the community
What was the best thing before sliced bread?
What teacher in school made the most impact on you? That was before I was born – maybe paper and
Two teachers – My Gymnastics coach instilled into pen – being able to write my thoughts down is
us some great qualities – no matter what, never important to me.
give up; you need a team around you to succeed; What do you do when not working?
you can do anything if you have your heart, mind
and soul committed to it. My English teacher in Spending time with family, my youngest competes
2nd grade gave me perspective– when I was in 2nd in cheerleader events a lot and we spend time
grade my aunt always gave me a Beehive hairdo – travelling to support him.
when we had our class photo. My hairdo was a bit If you could witness any event of the past,
old-school, but my teacher did a little adjusting and present, or future, what would it be?
let me know it’s about who you are and not what To meet the Pope and attend one of his masses
you look like.
What would you name your boat if you had one?
Who do you most admire in life? Tito Bandito (vodka bandit)
My Grandmother raised 18 kids, she was the
strongest woman – she taught us the important What is the best and worst purchases you’ve ever
values of Faith, loyalty, integrity and honesty. My made?
parents were also very influential to me. Best – my Home so many memories.
Worst – my first car – it never ran.
Who would win a fight between Spiderman and
Batman? Do you know how to drop an egg onto a concrete
Batman, he is this normal man with no superpowers floor without cracking it?
just a secret identity who through his heart, mind No
and soul could impose fear into any man and If you were a character from ‘Star Wars,’ which
protect the innocent one would you be?
If you were President, what is the first thing you Princess Leia
would do? What’s your bad quality?
I would never tweet – I would focus on the big Lack of patience – I get antsy but I’m working on it
important things like ending the war
When did you consider yourself a success?
What was the last gift you gave someone? When I had my first child and each one thereafter (I
A tamamle making machine for Mom, Mom have 3 kids).
devotes a lot of time to making Tamales for
the local community and it is a labour-intensive
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