Page 18 - Portfolio Pauline Vieira 2019
P. 18



                The "Romaleo Jeans" brand is a family          So I created exclusive prints   for twill fabric
         business that has been in the fashion market          and for inside pockets, buttons and metalized
         for over 15 years and has an average of 150           plates with the trademark logo, promoting the
         employees.                                            brand in the product.  I also updated the Logo
                In the company, the style sector was           brand, developing the brand style chart and
         conducted without professionals in the area of        the art of the new logo.
         ? ? designer,  so  the  first  challenge  was  to             With  the  collaboration  of  sales
         professionalize this sector.  So as the principle     representatives  of  the  company  "Romaleo
         of the Designer is the planning, I started with       Jeans",  I  did  a  survey  to  update  the  target
         the  basic  point,  creating  the  collection         market  of  the  company's  products  and
         development schedule and implementing the             through  statistics  we  managed  to  make  a
         product data sheet. The clear and organized           collection exactly as our customers wanted,
         way of creating the collection developed by           which resulted in successful sales.
         me was soon noticed and praised by the entire                 Next,  I  organized  a  collection
         product development team. There was good              presentation  workshop  to  demonstrate  the
         communication between us and this made us             influences  of  collection,  trend  research,
         gain time in production and reduce errors.            market  research,  and  raw  materials.  In  this
                The  brand  used  to  have  a  large           way,  I  provided  the  team  of  sales
         production and this fact gave conditions for          representatives, confidence to sell and argue
         the  company  to  purchase  personalized  raw         about the product "Romaleo Jeans".

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