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“That’s a very noble concept,” he says.   a more fulfilling life can be achieved
                                             “I’m not saying non-mutual companies   through prioritization. “That translates
                                             don’t subscribe to that same principle   beautifully in the workplace because for
                                             but we’re much more community oriented   someone to be engaged and happy and
                                             because  our ownership  consists  of our   contribute to the extent they can requires
                                             members.”                             job satisfaction,” he says. “And you can’t
                                             Rocco says Dumfries Mutual Insurance,   have job satisfaction if you are operating
                                             which is expected to formally amalgamate   an  unhealthy workplace. We  work  hard
                                             in 2024 with Guelph-based Halwell Mutual   and take it seriously, but heaven forbid I
                                             Insurance Company, is a venerable     never take myself seriously.”
                                             organization that is poised for changes as   To nurture that connection between
                                             it continues to modernize. This includes   employees, Dumfries Mutual Insurance’s
                                             making  investments  in  technology   40 or so staff members regularly
                                             and people to increase its scale into   participate in team building activities,
                                             coverage of more commercial spaces and   such as barbecue lunches and recognizing
      “For the most part, I specialized      agriculture.                          wins and celebrations like International
      in claims,” he says, describing        “I am very grateful to have the       Women’s Day or Pride Month, allowing
      his early years in the business        opportunity to assist in that         them to bring their uniqueness to the
      which eventually led him to
                                             journey of transformation,            “To  be  your  genuine  self  is  very
      Economical Insurance (long             and more importantly, be a            important,” says Rocco, when asked what
      before it went public in 2021 with     custodian to be able to deliver       advice he can offer to other business
      its parent company Definity)           on that,” he says.                    leaders.  “That  entails  recognizing  the
      where he eventually became             To accomplish this, Rocco says good   relevance and contributions of everybody
                                                                                   in the endeavour and to seek advice as
      vice-president of claims.              people are the key which means creating   a much as possible to be understanding
      He held that position for 14 years and   a  positive  workplace is  paramount.  “In   and collaborative.”
      under his leadership the department    terms of respect and employee relations,   In terms of the future, he expects his
      administered well over $1 billion worth of   there have been rivers of ink written   career at Dumfries Mutual Insurance will
      benefits to policy holders, and explains   about that stuff but fundamentally, being   continue for a few years to come before
      during that time his passion never waned   a  decent  human  being  can get  you  at   he decides to ‘ride off into the sunset’ and
      even when faced with a major crisis such   least  nine-ninety  per  cent  of  the  way   dedicate more time to his favourite past
      as the 2016 wildfire that devastated Fort   there,” he says. “The most important thing   time: reading.
      McMurray, Alta.                        I can do is inspire them and let them see
      “I was attending a meeting at the      the possibilities and buy into our vision   “I get a tremendous amount of energy
                                                                                   from sitting in my backyard during the
      Economical AGM when my phone kept      because that will be to everybody’s   summer with a copy of  The New York
      buzzing in my pocket,” says Rocco,     benefit.”                             Times,” laughs Rocco. “That energizes me
      reminiscing about the urgency of the   Rocco says it’s important to find a place   a lot more than say a game of golf.”
      situation he faced when he finally     of balance that inspires employees to
      connected with the claims manager at the   bring their best selves to work every   For more on Dumfries Mutual Insurance,
      company’s Calgary office.              day.  “I  don’t  even like  saying the  word   visit or call
      The company had thousands of policy    ‘balance’ because it means you’re trading   519.621.4660.
      holders in the affected area that required   off something for another,” he says.
      immediate assistance, but most would be   Instead, Rocco often refers to author
      next to impossible to contact, yet Rocco   Oliver Burkeman’s book  Four Thousand
      and his team found a way.              Weeks which outlines the premise that
      “Yes, we had a catastrophe plan in place
      that we could reference in such an event
      but there is no plan that could account
      for  such  unique  circumstances,”  he
      recalls. “So, that’s the kind of thing that
      has kept me passionately committed and
      appreciative of what we do.”
      Rocco has brought that same passion
      to Dumfries  Mutual Insurance which he
      joined just over a year ago and continues
      to admire the fundamental principle
      it was founded on 167 years ago that is
      based  on  community  leaders  joining
      together to help others.                                                                     PHOTOS BY BRIAN RODNICK                                                                          Fall 2023  15
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