Page 19 - INSIGHT MAGAZINE - NoBleed_Neat
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When they asked the youngster if he
      wanted to check out the pen show at the
      Toronto landmark, he agreed.
      “If Arman had said no, we wouldn’t even
      be having this conversation,” jokes Mano,
      describing the deep passion that was
      ignited in Baldeep as he explored what
      the vendors had to offer. “When he left
      the show, he had decided he was going to
      open a stationery store.”
      As  a  boy,  Baldeep  had  developed  an
      interest in fine writing instruments after
      spending  many  hours  exploring  pen
      stores with his father, a University of Delhi   She says it’s not uncommon to
      professor, meticulously selecting various
      inks and writing tools. Mano also grew   find customers spending several
      up with a deep appreciation for books,  hours poring over the store’s
      journaling, and notebooks, as well as fine  more than 200 ink swatches
      papers.                               trying to find that perfect colour

      Driving by 63 Dickson St. Baldeep noticed  or shade. In fact, for their 10th
      a ‘For Lease’ sign which led to the couple   anniversary in business the
      purchasing the building and its two stores.   couple created their own ink
      (The neighbouring shop is now home to
      Arman’s business Disko Coffee).       appropriately called 'A Leap of
      “I literally thought he had lost his mind,”   Faith'.
      laughs Mano, referring to Baldeep’s plan.   “I think shops like ours are the heartbeat
      “At the time, our daughter was leaving for   of any community and must survive,”
      university, and we had been saving money.   says Mano, describing how many long-
      We didn’t know anything about pens.”  time customers have become like family.

      But together they took a leap of faith, even   “The stories they share with us are such
                                            an important part of the fabric of this
      when potential suppliers warned them   business. They get seeped into Phidon; it’s
      a stationery store of this calibre would   not just about a notebook and a pen.”
      be better suited for Toronto, something
      Baldeep refused to consider taking into   In terms of community, the couple have
      consideration  the  daily  commute  along   given back as much as possible including
      Highway 401.                          working in partnership with the BRIDGE
      “That would have defeated the whole   Centre for Architecture + Design, an affiliate
                                            of the University of Waterloo School of
      purpose of the life we were looking for,” he   Architecture, on the 100 Notebook Project.
      says. “We were deeply committed to this   In 2014, the store donated notebooks to
      idea.”                                hundreds of members of the community
      They named the store Phidon Pens, a   to share their creativity in any way they
      play on words that was inspired by the   wished, including diagrams and writings,
      ambitious Greek King Pheidon, who was   over several months. The notebooks were
      credited with establishing a system of   collected and have been displayed at
      weights and measures, to recognize the   several public events, including at Tapestry
      ‘balance’ they were seeking in their lives   Hall in 2019.
      and opened in the summer of 2008.     “I always tell people who’ve taken part in
      “I think our customers have really    this  project  that  the  notebook  is  bigger
      helped us arrive at this balance,” says   than them and is part of a bigger world than
      Mano, describing the success the store   their lives,” says Mano, noting the ongoing
      experienced that first year.          project has resulted in the collection of
      “People came because they loved pens   800 notebooks. “We’re always thinking of
      and because they were curious. Some   how to make this community better by one
      bought their first  $15 ink pen  and then   pen and notebook at a time.”
      moved to the next one and the next and
      have become real pen aficionados.”    For more on Phidon Pens, visit www.
                                  , or call 519-624-8787.
                                                                                                   PHOTOS BY BRIAN RODNICK                                                                          Fall 2023  19
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