Page 21 - INSIGHT MAGAZINE - NoBleed_Neat
P. 21

3. Failing to manage customer         new employees, vehicles or advertising  You can use your accounting software to
      relationships                         and marketing that are not producing a  calculate your profit margins, track your
                                            corresponding increase in revenue.
                                                                                  expenses and monitor asset turnover,
      It’s a fact of life that some customers require                             among other key performance indicators.
      more time  and attention  than others.  And   Furthermore, to control overheads, we
      that means they are more expensive for   recommend setting budgets for your  Manufacturers can use software to
      your business. For example, they may be   overhead expenses and then sticking to  monitor  how  much  downtime  they  are
      late in delivering a document you need to   them. The amount budgeted for each line  experiencing for factory line changeovers
      get started on a job.                 item should be based on analysis rather  and equipment repairs.
      Or they may ask for changes or add-ons that   than simply using last year’s numbers.   Similarly, timesheet  tracking  software
                                            A business case should be made for any
      weren’t included in the contract you signed.  substantial increase.         allows you to monitor worker productivity
      Too often, companies go along with doing                                    and generate data for invoicing.
      extra work without charging for it. On one   To cut expenses, use the 80/20 rule when   Once you’ve identified margin killers,
      construction project, we found the company   deciding which ones to attack first. Look   you can work to continuously improve by
      had provided free work on customer    at the outlays that represent 80% of your   using  a  dashboard  and  KPIs  to  monitor
      changes that equated to 10% of its total   total expenses and work on reducing   progress towards your goals.
      revenues earned on the project.       those. That’s where you will get the most
      The key to dealing these kind of margin   bang for your efforts.            Keep a constant watch on your
      killers is to plan ahead and be vigilant.   It’s also a good practice to go to the  margins
      Stipulate in your contracts how changes and   market periodically to see if you can   Maintaining healthy profit margins is
      add-ons will be invoiced. Make sure your   get a better deal on fixed costs, such as   essential for ensuring your business is
      team always tells you about unanticipated   insurance, telecommunications services,   earning the money you need to reinvest to
      requests before the work is done and then   and maintenance contracts.      stay productive, competitive, and growing.
      inform the customer what it will cost.
                                            5. Failing to use technology          That’s how the very best businesses get
      4. Allowing direct and overhead       Technology-based     solutions   are  stronger with every passing year.
      costs to grow uncontrolled            invaluable in the fight to eliminate profit
      Growing revenues can often lead to a   killers. They will help you find where profit
      lack of rigour on expense control. A close   is leaking and optimize your operations,
      look at where your dollars are going may   customer relations and pricing.
      reveal rising costs for such things as

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