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        is the key

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        By The Conversation |
        Etayankara Muralidharan, MacEwan University;
        Saurav Pathak, Raymond A. Mason School of   About the study                Commercial entrepreneurship leads to
        Business, William & Mary                                                   innovation that contributes to a country’s
                                              Using entrepreneurial activity data from   economic growth by generating wealth.
                                              the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
                                              in 24 countries, our study found that  1. Hedonic well-being
        Entrepreneurs have a key
                                              entrepreneurship  flourishes  when   Hedonic well-being is one of two types
        role to play in achieving the         individuals in society possess higher   of perceived well-being. It refers to an
        United Nations 2030 Agenda for        levels of well-being, adaptability, self-  individual’s perception of their own life
                                              control and sociability.
        Sustainable Development.                                                   satisfaction, happiness, optimism and
        This action plan, which has been adopted   These are characteristics of societal   self-esteem.
        by all UN member countries, including   emotional intelligence — a measure of   Hedonic well-being can help individuals
        Canada, was created to tackle today’s   the collective emotional intelligence of a   navigate challenging situations that
        “most pressing social, economic and   particular society. Emotional intelligence   arise when working as an entrepreneur
        environmental challenges.”            refers to the ability of an individual to   by providing them with a sense of control
                                              recognize and understand their own
        While governments play a central role   emotions, as well as the emotions of   over their situation.
        in achieving these goals, non- and for-  others, and use this knowledge to make   Individuals  with  high  levels  of  hedonic
        profit organizations can accelerate this   decisions.                      well-being are more likely to have
        progress through innovation. That is                                       characteristics associated with successful
        where entrepreneurs — anyone who      At  the   societal  level,  emotional  commercial entrepreneurs.
        starts or owns a business — come into   intelligence plays a vital role in addressing
        the picture.                          challenges present at different stages of  2. Adaptability
                                              the entrepreneurial process, such as idea
        Canada has one of the highest levels of   generation, planning the launch, and   Individuals  with  high  levels  of
                                                                                   adaptability are open to new information,
        entrepreneurial activity among developed   growth of an enterprise.        willing to let go of preconceived notions
        nations and was recently ranked the best                                   and capable of adjusting to new or
        in the world for social entrepreneurship.   However, the degree to which each   challenging situations.
        Social  entrepreneurship  focuses  on   characteristic of emotional intelligence
        addressing social issues such as poverty,   impacts  entrepreneurship  depends  on   An individual’s ability to adapt  in the
        illiteracy and discrimination.        the type of entrepreneurship.        face of adversity sets them apart as

        To  maintain  its  position  as  an   Fostering commercial                 exceptional. Individuals that are very
                                                                                   successful often possess higher levels of
        entrepreneurial  nation,  Canada must   entrepreneurship                   adaptability.
        continue to foster innovation. Our
        recent research on how emotional      Our research found three characteristics   In  the  context  of  commercial
        intelligence at the societal level impacts   of  societal  emotional  intelligence  entrepreneurship, having a high degree
        entrepreneurship can help Canada, and   are more likely to foster commercial   of adaptability allows entrepreneurs
        other nations, accomplish this.       entrepreneurship: hedonic well-being,   to navigate uncertainty and adapt to
                                              adaptability and self-control.       changes in the business environment.

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