Page 28 - INSIGHT MAGAZINE - NoBleed_Neat
P. 28


                  Mental health remains a key

                                     workplace issue

      Mental health in the workplace        “I think as a community, we’re trying to  “It’s all about finding ways to build those
      continues to be a major focus,        figure out what do our lives look after this  spaces into your work and obviously,
                                            while also really struggling cognitively  every workplace is different. There is no
      especially as businesses              with our brains,” says Robyn.         one ‘right’ way to do this,” says Robyn.
      continue to deal with labour          As  a  result,  she  says  it’s  important  for  “It’s about knowing how to talk
      shortages and adapt to hybrid         employers to be able to read the signs  about mental health and being able
      work models.                          an employee may be dealing with mental  to communicate that in a kind and
      “You have to prioritize it,” says Robyn   health issues.                    compassionate  way.  Many  employers
      Schwarz,  Fund  Development,  Advocacy,   “Looking at different behavioural changes   themselves are also under stress and
      and Communications Lead at Porchlight   can be really helpful,” says Robyn, noting   when an employee knows that they can
      Counselling  Addictions  Services  in  that sudden tardiness, anger issues, or   mutually support each other.”
      Cambridge. “You have to see it as     signs often associated with being a ‘bad’  She says just sending employees emails
      something you need to learn, the same   employee could really indicate a mental  with links to mental health resources isn’t
      way you need to learn anything else to   health concern.                    enough, and in fact, could exacerbate the
      grow your business.”                  “A mental health issue is one of those   situation.
      Despite the fact the pandemic is      things that shows up so different with  “In that case, you’re putting the onus on
      considered a thing of the past, she says   everyone  and  we  all  have  different  your employee to do something that they
      for some fears and concerns surrounding   understandings  of  what  emotional  might not even have the capacity to do
      COVID-19 – especially for those with   dysregulation look likes.”           and you’re also creating a situation where
      ongoing health issues - continue to                                         they feel you’re actually giving them more
      impact their mental health.           As well, she says addiction issues could   work to do.”
                                            also be a byproduct as employees try
      “I like to think the pandemic really   to find ways to cope with anxiety and  Finding  resources  can  be  difficult,  says
      escalated a lot of stressors and acted   depression.                        Robyn, noting that private therapy in
      almost like a catalyst for things that were                                 Canada can cost between $160 to $250
      already just under the surface in our lives,”   “A  couple  of  things  we’re  hearing  in  the   an hour, and that on average between six
      says Robyn, referring to it as “collective   community is an increase in normalized   to 10 sessions are usually needed for a
      trauma” for the community in general.  addictions because many people were   person to make any progress.
                                            at home during the pandemic,” she says,
      She says for working parents who had   referring to alcohol consumption. “That is  “Most benefit packages I know, unless
      to find ways to support their children   something we’ve been really concerned  you work for a very large corporation,
      through school lockdowns while trying   about because it’s something you can  cover perhaps $500 a year,” she says,
      to balance their work life, it has proven   hide really easily until it becomes life or  adding Porchlight, which offers a variety
      particularly hard as they face rising costs.   death.”                      of services, is a good place to learn about
      In fact, according to a recent  Wellbeing                                   local resources.
      Waterloo   Region  report  Cambridge  As a result, she says creating a supportive
      residents, despite having lower income   workplace environment through trust and  “The system right now is a great big puzzle
      levels, work more hours to make ends   open communication is important for an  and is very confusing, so an organization
      meet.  The report  shows 6.2%  work 55   employee to address their mental health  like ours we can do the heavy lifting for
      hours a week or more at than their main   issues.                           people to help them access affordable
      job and a 28.3% of respondents work 20                                      mental health and addictions support.”
      or more hours a week at a second job.

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