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business Tstone Mailing experienced  I never really view numbers. It’s just what  “I never went to college. I just fell into this
      during the pandemic. “What it did for us  I do,” says Frank. “My successes are based  and every time someone said ‘no’ to me,
      was open up other opportunities.”     on the success of my customers.”      I just had to prove them wrong,” laughs
      These included lucrative deals with  He says getting an email from a customer   Frank. “I think I may have built the whole
      not only more companies, but several  thanking him for going that extra mile to   company out of spite.”
      contracts  with   various  Provincial  ensure their products are delivered is the  For more on Tstone Mailing, visit
      government ministries that needed to  best reward the team at Tstone Mailing or call 519-740-
      distribute much-needed items during the  can receive, recalling one instance where  9235.
      lockdowns.                            he chartered a plane to deliver a much-
      “But it was a terrifying time because no   needed item to Saskatoon to meet an
      one really knew anything,” says Frank,   important deadline after receiving a
      referring to the safety precautions he   panicked late-night call from a customer.
      put in place to keep his employees safe  “Probably the best part about a being a
      during that time and adds that treating  small business owner is that we get to
      them well has been a big part of Tstone’s  make other people look really good,” says
      success. “If you treat them well, pay them  Frank.
      well and respect them, that makes for a   However, at the age of 54, he admits
      fun workplace.”                       thoughts  of  retirement  are  not  far  from
      He learned the importance of respect  his mind and that he and Samantha have
      in the workplace the hard way after he  been “testing the waters” by taking some
      says his partners in the Guelph-based  time off.
      direct  mail  company  he helped create   “I could really walk away, and this place
      unceremoniously ‘divorced’ him one    will still run. I’ve done the hard work,
      Friday afternoon. By Monday, Frank says   which is letting go,” says Frank.
      he had consulted with a lawyer and
      Tstone Mailing was born.

                                            “But  we’ve  been  doing  this  so long we
      “I was pretty young and               don’t know what it’s like not to do this.”
      courageous then,” he jokes,
      adding his new company’s              He says their two children have their own
                                            pursuits and despite working at Tstone
      name was inspired by a fictional      while growing up have expressed no
      character he played online            desire to take over the business.
      games with called ‘Tom Stone’.        “I was actually kind of glad they have
      Within a month of opening, Frank says  wanted to do their own thing because
      Tstone  Mailing  had  obtained  75%  of  his  this is my thing, not their thing,” says
      previous company’s business and today  Frank. “It takes a special kind of person
      has  built solid relationships with more  to do this job.”
      than 800 regular customers from all   In fact, he says being a small business
      walks of life, and business sizes.    owner is not for everyone and urges
      “For us, at the end of the day it doesn’t   would-be business owners to not only
      matter how big or how small our  retain a good lawyer and accountant but
      customers are because it’s just a number  take  a  college  course  to  learn  business
      at the end of the month.              basics.                                               PHOTOS BY BRIAN RODNICK                                                                          Fall 2023  31
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