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      Become a better communicator

      with these 4 tips

       Being a good communicator is a must-have skill for any entrepreneur.
       You need to practise and prepare to develop good communication abilities. Failing to do so can leave you making ho-hum sales
       pitches and alienating your partners, clients and employees.
       “When it comes to communication, most entrepreneurs just wing it, often with mixed results,” says BDC Director, Business Strategy
       Jacques Légaré, who leads a team of experts advising entrepreneurs on management skills. “Communication is a skill that should
       be worked at and developed.”
       Légaré shares four essential tips to being a better communicator.

      1. Develop an elevator pitch                              3. Be attentive
      Create an “elevator pitch”—a concise description of what your   Pay attention to your audience’s verbal and nonverbal cues.
      company does and the value it adds. You should be able to   Have you lost them, or are they still listening and engaged? It’s
      explain that in one sentence. “Very, very few entrepreneurs can   important to be aware of such signs. If you sense attention is
      ever do this,” Légaré says. “They have a lot of enthusiasm for   waning, you can ask your audience questions as a way to bring
      what they do, but they need to learn to say things in a short   them back into the conversation.
      and sweet manner. Their description is two paragraphs long; it   It also helps to be a good listener. “Most conversations become
      needs to be a sentence.”                                  easier  if you switch to  listening. Anybody who spends  time
      You should use this description across all mediums—not just   talking to you wants to know you’re listening,” Légaré says.
      in the elevator, but also in your marketing presentations and   “Conversation is better than preaching.”
                                                                4. Prepare beforehand
      2. Know your audience                                     A little preparation can improve communication a lot. Make
      Research ahead of time the background and needs of        notes ahead of time about your speaking points. Ask employees
      your audience. Then, tailor the message and style of your   or associates to suggest tips for addressing a specific audience.
      communications. Talking with one or two people is different   “If  you  put some  effort  into preparation,  it  will  always go
      from addressing 30 or 300. A customer isn’t the same as a   smoother and you’ll relay information more clearly,” Légaré
      supplier.                                                 says. “If you don’t pre-plan, you may forget things.” And practice
      “Entrepreneurs will often treat everyone as if they’re a client,”   your delivery.
      Légaré says. “A supplier isn’t as interested in your sales pitch   “All skills improve with practice, including communication.”
      as a client. They want to know if you’re stable and consistent.”
      When addressing a large group, for example, you should focus on
      common concerns, not the issues of a select group of audience
      members. “You have to be able to include the whole group,”
      Légaré says. Body language also changes. Before a group, you
      need to be more expressive to hold attention, moving around,
      using bigger hand gestures and varying your tone. But the same
      theatrics would be silly and off-putting before just one or two

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