Page 39 - INSIGHT MAGAZINE - NoBleed_Neat
P. 39


                                                New and familiar faces

                                                at the Chamber

                                       The  Chamber  is  pleased  to  welcome  She recently returned to Canada to put down
                                       Brooke Deacon to the team as a Business  more ‘permanent’ roots after teaching in
                                       Development Manager.                     South Korea for the past nine years and is
                                       Brooke may be new to the Cambridge       ready to meet with Members to develop new
                                       business community but is more than familiar   relationships.
                                       with the region after growing up in Kitchener  “I’m really looking forward to meeting like-
                                       as the oldest of three siblings and member  minded people, especially those who like to
                                       of a large and active extended family – many  stay busy,” she says. “I really want to be out
                                       of whom reside in the same neighbourhood.   there.”
              Brooke Deacon
         Business Development Manager
               519-622-2221 x2224

      The Chamber is pleased to have Amrita Gill  after coming to Canada in 2015 before moving
      join our team as Program Manager.        to Etobicoke a year later.
      Amrita, who moved to Cambridge in 2017  Amrita obtained her Project Management
      from India with her IT consultant husband,  Certification during the pandemic and
      welcomes this latest change in her  is  looking  forward  to  connecting  with
      professional career.                     Chamber Members through the creation
      She has a Master’s in Anthropology but went   and management of new programs. She
      into risk management spending a few years   also volunteers with the Rotary Club of
      working for various organizations. Prior to   Cambridge Preston-Hespeler and revels in
      Cambridge, the couple settled in Calgary   the community connections she has made.         Amrita Gill
                                                                                                Program Manager
                                                                                                519-622-2221 x2238

                                       The Cambridge Chamber of Commerce is  - moved back to Cambridge at the start of the
                                       pleased to welcome back Deborah Freitas as  pandemic to be closer to family after living
                                       a Business Development Manager.          abroad for nearly a decade in New York City
                                       Deborah, who has returned following the   and London, England.
                                       birth  of  her  second  child,  Zoe,  joined the  Deborah is thrilled to be back at the Chamber
                                       Chamber soon after she and her husband,  and is ready to build relationships with new
                                       Dan, along with their son, Charlie, and ‘fur  and current Chamber Members as a Business
                                       baby’ Milhouse – the couple’s French Bulldog  Development Manager.

              Deborah Freitas
         Business Development Manager
               519-622-2221 x2226                                                                          Fall 2023  39
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