Page 38 - INSIGHT MAGAZINE - NoBleed_Neat
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                                                                                   Both options are valid.
                                                                                   If you want to be a self-employed
                                                                                   technician, where you are in control
                                                                                   of your job then option 1 is for you
                                                                                   but if your entrepreneurial goals
        Hiring good people builds                                                  include growth beyond your personal
                                                                                   time and talent limitations you must
                                                                                   choose option 2.
        entrepreneurial success!                                                   Option 2 requires the strategic
                                                                                   hiring of people with talents that
                                                                                   you do not have that will enable
                                                                                   you to delegate and entrust parts of
                                                                                   your business operations to them.
                                                                                   This may be accounting, sales, HR,
                                                                                   communications and/or production
                                                                                   personnel  and managers.  Some of
      In the opening chapter of The                                                these services may be contracted out
                                                •  A good product or service       and some are better achieved if hired
      E-Myth Revisited, a nearly 30-year-         that customers want;             into your company.
      old book that is still relevant today,    •  The ability to sell and deliver   These are strategic  decisions that
      author Michael E. Gerber describes          your products or services to     will enable you to grow beyond your
                                                  your customers with quality
      “The Entrepreneurial Seizure” or                                             previous limitations. When you have
                                                  and timeliness;                  good people in the right places
      that moment when you decide to go         •  The  ability  to   follow       in  your  business you  can  look  up
      into business for yourself.                 your  money,  understand         from your day-to-day operations
      Once the idea of entrepreneurship           cashflow,      receivables,      and look out into the marketplace
      enters your mind it is life changing.       payables, and taxes and to       for new opportunities. This sounds
      Your imagination explodes with dreams       take action to keep it all in    easy, but giving up control of parts
      of independence and success that will       order;                           of your business to other people is
      flow from turning your technical skills   •  The ability to manage and       a challenging and necessary growth
      or passions into a be-your-own-boss         strengthen   interpersonal       step for small business entrepreneurs.
      enterprise. “Do what you love,” they say,   relationship with customers,     You may want to enlist a business
      “and you will never work another day in     employees, suppliers, etc.       coach who can also help you stick to
      your life.”                                                                  your growth plan when it gets hard, as
      This leads to what Gerber calls “The Fatal                                   it always does.
      Assumption” which is that if you are good   Usually, a business starts with your   Remember, at this stage of your
      at the technical work of a business or   product or service idea that has market   business growth what you really need
      are passionate about the work you will   demand or perceived market potential   is good people with leadership skills
      offer to the marketplace, then it follows   and perhaps you have competency in   and business management talents
      that you will understand the business   one of the other three foundational   that are different and complimentary
      of delivering your goods or services to   elements.   But no  one  is  proficient   to yours so that you can set yourself
      your customers. In the early days of your   in all four so entrepreneurial energy   and your business up for success in
      business this assumption can appear     and grit to succeed will only take   the next phase of your entrepreneurial
      to be true.  You launch your business   you so far. Then the weaknesses in   journey.
      filled with entrepreneurial energy, find   your business structure and practices
      customers, provide your products or     reveal themselves  as  your  business
      services, build your reputation, and get   grows and your entrepreneurial
      more customers.                         dream begins to crack.
      The growth cycle continues. Everyone is   It happens to all businesses.
      happy until one day you discover that   When your business grows to the
      your success is crushing you and the fatal   point where your success is crushing
      assumption is revealed: That the technical   you, you must make a choice to either:
                                                                                   About the author:
      skills you have are just one small part of                                   Murray Smith is the president and
      a complex set of business skills that you   1.  Limit your business size to one you   owner of Blue Canoe Consulting.
      need to ensure your success.              can handle on your own or;         He helps people and organizations
      For  you  to  succeed  as  an  entrepreneur   2.  Change your business structure   improve outcomes by clarifying vision,
      you need the following four foundational   by  hiring  talent  to  shore  up your   developing stategy and training leaders
      elements:                                 weaknesses to enable continued
                                                growth.                            to enable growth and success.

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