Page 35 - INSIGHT MAGAZINE - NoBleed_Neat
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of  having two young children at home   “COVID really screwed with my business.
                                             at the time (her son Nolan is now 17)   I had just given my staff a raise because
                                             and trying to run a growing business,   2019 was my best year and it took me
                                             undertook four additional years of study   a long time to get there and then three
                                             to understand how anatomy affects the   months later, we were shut down,” she
                                             physiology of the human body.         says, adding like many small business
                                             “My husband (Scott) helped out a lot. It   owners she took out loans to keep the
                                             was really hard,” she says. “I thought I   business operating.
                                             was drowning but I did it and am really   “When we came back, at least half my
                                             happy I did it because it has brought a   staff didn’t return and right now, my
                                             new tool to the business.”            biggest  problem is dealing with  labour
                                             While continuing to offer a limited   shortages.”
                                             amount of massage therapy and         Despite   the   struggle,  Michelle’s
                                             acupuncture, Michelle now spends      commitment to her business has never
                                             most of her time providing osteopathic   waned and Grandview Massage Therapy
                                             treatment to a growing list of clients. In   has continued to contribute to a variety
                                             2018, she opened a second Grandview   of community charities, as well as provide
                                             Massage Therapy office in Paris.      co-op placements for secondary school
                                             “Massage therapy is great for a lot   students and offers some precepting.
                                             of things but sometimes we’re just    “I would call this a teaching clinic,” she
                                             palliating symptoms and people are    says, adding as a small business owner
                                             coming back month after month,” she   she has the flexibility to provide many
                                             says, describing how her osteopathy work   perks to her staff, including extended
                                             focuses on the manual manipulation of   maternity leaves, and allowing them
                                             the musculoskeletal framework. “What   to bring their children to work when
                                             I’ve learned is that not all things are   daycare isn’t available.
                                             disease related. Some things are related   “In a large corporation, people are
                                             to mechanical dysfunction.”
                       PHOTOS BY BRIAN RODNICK                                     ‘numbers’ and there are more rules to
                                             Michelle describes herself as         follow. I make my own rules.”
      Michelle sought traditional            a ‘mechanic’ and the human            In terms of advice for those looking to
      medical advice, chiropractic           body as a machine, its skeletal       open their own business, Michelle urges
      care, naturopathy,                     framework representing the            them to take a risk and have lots of faith.
      physiotherapy, and consulted           ‘chassis’ and its nervous system      “I believe we all end up where were
      with dietitians, as well as            as the ‘wiring’.                      meant to be,” she says.
      turned to traditional Chinese          “I still do a little bit of massage work   For more on Grandview Massage
      medicine, all in hopes of finding      because I want to keep up with that   Therapy, visit or
      a solution.                            licence,” she says, adding following  her   call 519-624-4001.
      “I wanted answers and while they had   husband's advice to renew that licence
                                             proved pivotal when the pandemic
      her on medication to stop the attacks,   arrived. “He talked me into it and three
      they didn’t know what was causing it,”   months later COVID hit, and massage
      she says. “The last thing I did was go to   therapists were eventually allowed
      an osteopath. I didn’t even know what   to work, while osteopaths were not.
      one  was.  He  took  one  look  at  her  and   It’s because manual osteopathy is not
      knew exactly what the problem was.”    regulated in Ontario, or Canada, and the
      She says a small adjustment in one of   government didn’t know what to do with
      the points of contact in a vertebra that   them and shut them down.”
      wasn’t working eased the irritation that   However, Michelle says the Ontario
      was affecting her daughter’s esophagus.   Association of Osteopathic Manual
      After eight visits, the problem was gone.   Practitioners, of which she belongs,
      Mackenzie, now 18, is attending college   successfully  lobbied  to  allow
      in Ottawa to become a registered a     practitioners to return to work utilizing
      massage therapist.                     all the necessary safety protocols. But
      “She was never sick again. But I was   the impact of the pandemic continues to
      fascinated and signed up to become an   be felt.
      osteopath,” says Michelle, who, despite                                                                          Fall 2023  35
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