Page 30 - INSIGHT MAGAZINE - NoBleed_Neat
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      Small business

      really delivers

      ‘Where mailing meets
      marketing, and problems meet

      It’s the tagline emblazoned in capital letters near
      the top of the Tstone Mailing website, but it may
      not clearly convey what the Cambridge-based
      direct mailing business is all about.
      “It’s a hard thing to describe. I usually tell people
      come and let me show  what we do,” says Frank
      Mosey, who founded the company nearly 20 years
      ago. “Some people think we stuff envelopes by
      hand and sit at a table all day. They really don’t
      understand the volume and intensity.”
      Taking a short pause in the break room of the
      company’s Sheldon Drive headquarters, Frank
      describes the services Tstone Mailing provides
      while his half a dozen staff members busily go
      about their work, packing and sorting the variety of
      items that line the metal shelves on the warehouse
      “You can come in here at times and there’s barely
      any room to walk around. It can get crazy busy,” he
      says. “The best way to describe what we do is like
      an Amazon for businesses. Businesses contract me
      to send products to sales reps or customers.”
      It’s a business that Frank readily admits he fell                                  FRANK MOSEY, OWNER OF TSTONE MAILING
      into around the age of 17 when the guitarist in the
      rock band he sang with in Toronto got him a job
      in  the mail  department  at  Crossroads Christian   A break came when a contact in the  Fergus company folded after its two
      Communications. He was there for about two years   industry connected to him a small  largest customers decided  to  take
      until the company announced it was relocating   direct mailing company in Fergus  their business elsewhere.
      to Burlington and Frank decided a change was   where he stayed for nearly six years   “I was trying to explain to him that in
      required.                                      and made many sales, until it became   this industry, the bigger you get the
      “I was thinking about getting married and Toronto   apparent  his employer wanted to   harder it is to maintain because we
                                                     aggressively expand the business.
      wasn’t a place where I wanted to get married,”                                   don’t know what’s going to happen in
      he says, referring to his wife, Samantha, who has   “He and I just had a difference in  the next month, or three months,” he
      worked with him for the past 27 years.         philosophy about how to run a  says. “If everybody stops mailing, I’m
      Frank returned to his home city of London, Ont.,   business. My way is a little bit different  in trouble.”
                                                     than other folks,” Frank admits. “I like
      and took a job with a direct mail business where   the business and running machines. I   Frank jokes that he’s been told for
      he was eventually fired after asking his boss if he   work alongside my employees, and I   the last 25 years his was a ‘dying
      could move into sales.                         don’t like sitting in an office because   industry’ and would fall victim to
      “He told me I would never make a dime in this   it’s boring.”                    online shopping. However, he says
                                                                                       that  hasn’t  been  the  case.  “Impulse
      business,” he laughs, noting that same company is   Frank says he viewed his former  buying died with COVID. So, how do big
      now a competitor.                              employer’s push to be bigger as a  companies get customers to impulse
                                                     mistake  and after he  left to  pursue  buy? By sending them samples,” he
                                                     a new opportunity in Guelph, the  says, noting the significant jump in

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