Page 25 - INSIGHT MAGAZINE - NoBleed_Neat
P. 25

3. Self-control                       1. Eudaimonic well-being              Fostering emotional
      Self-control is  a  mental  process  that  Eudaimonic well-being refers to an   intelligence
      helps individuals align their thoughts and   individual’s perceived autonomy, self-  Entrepreneurship  in  Canada,  both
      behaviours with their goals, particularly   acceptance, sense of purpose and ability   commercial and social, needs to flourish
      during periods of adversity.          to manage their environment.          to help the country meet its sustainable
      Self-control is beneficial for commercial   The  characteristics  associated  with  development goals. For this to happen,
      entrepreneurs, as it encourages them   eudaimonic    well-being   motivate  Canada should implement strategies to
      to be mindful of the strategies needed   individuals to make greater contributions   build emotional intelligence among its
      to keep their goals in line with the ever-  to  the  welfare  of  others  through  social   entrepreneurs.
      changing business environment.        entrepreneurship.                     One  way  Canada  could  do  this  is  by
      Because self-control is valuable for   While the characteristics of eudaimonic   investing in programs to monitor, assess
                                            well-being are essential for both types
      managing    commercial    enterprises,  of entrepreneurship societies with higher   and diagnose ways to improve emotional
      societies that have more individuals   levels of eudaimonic well-being tend to   intelligence among entrepreneurs.
      with higher levels of self-control are   foster an environment more conducive   In addition, given that emotional
      more likely to facilitate commercial   for social entrepreneurship.         intelligence can be developed with
      entrepreneurship.                                                           training, businesses and innovation hubs
                                            2. Sociability                        should develop emotional competencies
      Fostering social                      The American Psychological Association   among their entrepreneurs.
      entrepreneurship                      defines sociability as the tendency “to   Finally,  Canada  should  implement
      Our research found two characteristics of   seek out companionship, engage in   education  curriculum  focused  on
                                                                                  developing  emotional intelligence  in
      societal emotional intelligence are more   interpersonal relations, and participate in   students to shape their entrepreneurial
                                            social activities.”
      likely to foster social entrepreneurship:                                   behaviours. By equipping students with
      eudaimonic well-being and sociability.   Sociability has three facets: social   emotional intelligence skills, Canada will
      Social entrepreneurship, as previously   awareness, emotional management and   nurture a generation of entrepreneurs
      mentioned, leads to innovation that   assertiveness. It plays a more significant   ready to create wealth, tackle social
      addresses social issues.              role in social entrepreneurship, so   challenges and create positive change.
                                            societies with a larger amount of
                                            individuals with this trait are more likely
                                            to facilitate social entrepreneurship.

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