Page 34 - INSIGHT MAGAZINE - NoBleed_Neat
P. 34


                                                                                       “I always knew I wanted to work
                                                                                       for myself and wanted to make my
                                                                                       own hours,” says Michelle, before
                                                                                       describing the irony of the fact she
                                                                                       now finds herself working many
                                                                                       evenings and weekends. “I just want
                                                                                       to ensure the continuity of care for
                                                                                       my patients.”
                                                                                       Her dedication to the profession
                                                                                       became apparent early on when she
                                                                                       underwent an accelerated education
                                                                                       at a private school in Kitchener
                                                                                       to become a registered massage
                                                                                       “Massage therapy requires a three-
                                                                                       year diploma but at a private school
                                                                                       you can earn it in just 18 months,
                                                                                       so that’s what I did and fell in love
                                                                                       with  it,”  says  Michelle,  who  was  six
                                                                                       months pregnant with her first child
                                                                                       when she opened her business in
                                                                                       2004 with some financial help from
                                                                                       a friend.
                                                                                       Already familiar with the Grandview
                                                                                       Medical Centre after being a patient
                                                                                       there for many years and then as an                        PHOTOS BY BRIAN RODNICK
                                                                                       employee at a former physiotherapy
                                                                                       clinic located at the 167 Hespeler Rd.
                                                                                       facility, she knew it was the right fit.

                                                                                       “I just knew this was the
                                                                                       Michelle. “At least twenty
      Finding the                            degree in English literature since I always   percent of Cambridge
                                             enjoyed reading and writing, but I wasn’t
                                                                                       residents have a doctor in
      right spot                             really sure I could earn money doing that.   this building.”
                                             I thought, ‘What do I really want to do?’; I
                                             wanted to help people and felt like I was
                                                                                       However, as with most small
      for success                            running out of time.”                     businesses, it was tough in the
                                                                                       beginning but luckily, she was able
                                             Michelle was 25 when she made this
                                                                                       to rely on her family to pitch in.
                                             realization after two years of study at
                                             university following a stint at college   “My sister ran the desk for me and
      Making choices is part of life,        studying pre-health sciences, which also   worked for free,” says Michelle,
      just ask Michelle Ford.                was not the right fit.                    who operated initially out of
      Prior to opening her business Grandview   “I was told you needed a degree, so I   three treatment rooms with three
      Massage Therapy nearly 20 years ago, the   switched to English literature. I realized   therapists but now has 11 working
      Cambridge native traversed several paths   this isn’t getting me what I want, so it took   among seven rooms. “But I knew if
      before finally discovering a career that   me a few tries to get there.”         I stuck it out it would take off and
      would not only change her life but the   What she wanted was to have her own     it did.”
      lives of other people.                 business, just like both her grandfathers,   However, her career in providing
      “Massage  therapy  was  kind  of  a  second   as well as her father, who operated John’s   massage therapy and acupuncture
                                                                                       took an unexpected turn when her
      career,” she jokes, seated in one of the   Automotive on Bishop Street for many   daughter, Mackenzie, who was six
      several treatment rooms at her busy    years.                                    at the time, began to suffer from
      Hespeler Road office. “I was trying to get a
                                                                                       chronic and severe acid reflux.

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