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           DOLLARS & SENSE

                     Is Incorporating your Business right for you?

        The act of incorporation  creates  a new legal  entity  separate  from   you  keep  the  funds  in  the  corporation  the  larger  the  tax  deferral
        yourself.  Your corporation  will have certain  rights, obligations,   advantage will be. If your business is not quite profitable enough you
        including  the ability  to acquire  assets, obtain a loan, enter into   may consider using the business losses to offset against your personal
        contracts, incur legal liability, and carry on a business. Once you   income from other sources.
        incorporate, the corporations assets belong to the corporation and not   Is  your business expanding  and do you require more funds  to
        its shareholders. There are many advantages and disadvantages which   operate successfully?  If  so,  incorporating  may  make  sense  since
        are not entirely detailed but hoping this article gives you a very good,   raising money is often easier for corporations than sole proprietorship
        brief overview.                                         or partnership. Is your business producing more income than it
        There  are  many  advantages  of  Incorporating  -  one  of  the  specific   needs to operate?  Incorporation  may  make  sense  as  you  may  be
        advantages of incorporation is the potential  to defer income tax.   able to take advantage of lower corporate tax rates and the resulting
        Income  splitting,  the  Lifetime  Capital  Gain  Election,  Flexibility   tax  deferral  advantage  by  leaving  the  after-tax  business income  in
        in remuneration and employee benefits as well as limited liability,   the corporation until you need it. In this regard, you may want to
        better access to capital and continuous existence are other important   ensure that passive investment  income earned in your corporation
        considerations.                                         does not grind down your business limit. Alternatively, you may be
        While  incorporating  your business may  provide  these           able to benefit from income splitting opportunities such
        advantages,  a corporation  is also subject  to greater           as paying your adult family members dividends to take
        regulations  and  compliance  than  a  sole  proprietorship       advantage of their lower marginal tax rates, provided the
        or partnership.  It is a separate legal entity and therefore      TOSI (tax on split income) rules don’t apply.
        requires individuals such as shareholders, directors and          Do you need additional money to supplement your
        officers to carry out business activities on its behalf. This     retirement? By incorporating,  you have increased
        creates a more complex structure.                                 flexibility  in  choosing  the  type  and  amount  of
        For instance your corporation will have to hold annual            remuneration  you can receive  in retirement.  You can
        shareholder  meetings and maintain  corporate  records.           chose to leave the funds in your corporation to invest,
        If there are any changes to the board of directors your           or have your corporation set up an Investment pension
        corporations have to file notices with the government.            plan or Retirement Compensation Agreement. This can
                                                     Erica Tennenbaum, CFP, FCSI  provide  pension  benefits  and  supplemental  retirement
        The  admininstrative,  legal  and  accounting  costs  with   Senior Portfolio Manager &   income.
        estabilishing and maintaining a corporation are usually   Wealth Advisor
        higher due to the requirement to file documents – articles        Do you intend to leave your business to other family
        of incorporation with the government, an annual corporate tax return   members or sell it? If so, incorporating your business may make
        as well as T5slips for dividends paid.                  sense for you. The corporation continues to exist after your death and
                                                                the shares can be passed along to your heirs as you wish. Even if your
        Keep in mind that in the first few years of operation, a business may   heirs don’t wish to continue the business, they may still benefit from
        generate losses due to high start-up costs. As a sole proprietor, you   tax deferral by leaving the assets in the corporation to invest. If you
        may  use  any  business losses to  offset  your personal  income  from   plan to sell your business, you might be able to take advantage of the
        other sources. However, once you incorporate, any business losses   Lifetime Capital Gain Election to eliminate the tax on all or a portion
        realized in the corporation must be applied against corporate income   of the gain on the sale of the shares.
        and cannot be used to offset personal income.
                                                                In summary, deciding how to structure your business is an important
        All the business income  you earn annually  as a sole proprietor is   decision so be sure to speak with your qualified tax and legal advisor
        taxed in your hands. You can use the after tax profits as you wish   to ensure incorporation is right for you.
        whereas with the corporation those profits belong to the corporation
        and cannot be used for personal use unless withdrawn as dividend,   This article is a brief overview- if you would like to read the full
        salary or bonus from the corporation.                   article please view on our website;
        A few points to consider whether to incorporate – do you require a   The information in this article is not intended to provide legal, tax
        substantial portion of your business income to fund your living   or insurance  advice.  To ensure  that  your  own circumstances  have
        expenses – if so incorporating may not make sense. One of the key   been properly considered and that action is taken based upon latest
        advantages of incorporation is the tax deferral of income – the longer   information  available,  you should obtain  professional  advice  from
                                                                your qualified tax and legal advisors.

        This information is not investment advice and should be used only in conjunction with a discussion with your RBC Dominion Securities Inc. Investment Advisor. This will ensure that your own circumstances have been considered properly and that action is taken on the latest
        available information. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable at the time obtained but neither RBC Dominion Securities Inc. nor its employees, agents, or information suppliers can guarantee its accuracy or completeness.
        This report is not and under no circumstances is to be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. This report is furnished on the basis and understanding that neither RBC Dominion Securities Inc. nor its employees, agents, or information
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