Page 1 - The Club At Barefoot Beach - March 2018 Newsletter
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March 2018

                                                                           A One-of-a-Kind Beach Club

      KEY WEST NIGHT                                                          BAREFOOT

           with The Island Doctor                                               Speaker Series

               FRIDAY, MARCH 23RD                                       THURSDAY, MARCH 1ST

          Located in the 3rd Floor Edelbrock Sunset Terrace           Located in the 3rd Floor Edelbrock Sunset Terrace
                       from 5:30pm to 8:30pm                                      This event begins at 2pm

   Members and guests attending Key West Night are invited to        The Club At Barefoot Beach welcomes Dr. Barry Noone
                                                                           for this month's Barefoot Speaker Series!
    order from the 1st Floor Turtle's Nest Casual Dinner Menu
                                                                                        "Plastic Surgery:
                   while enjoying the following:                                    from Battlefield to Beauty"

                  Live Entertainment provided by                      We recommend registering in advance for this speaker series as
                                                                         seating is limited and these events are popular among
                         The Island Doctor                             members and registered house guests. No charge to attend.

               Cocktails, Wine and Beverage Service                  Dr. Barry Noone is a Barefoot resident, who is a nationally
                                                                     recognized pioneer in Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic
                 "Priceless" Barefoot Beach Sunset                   Surgery. Dr. Noone's career spans 50 years of leadership in
                                                                     development of reconstruction standards for the education and
               Chef Ed's Key West Inspired Specials                  certification of plastic surgeons. Dr. Noone received his medical
                                                                     degree from the University of Pennsylvania, completed his
                                                                     residencies at that institution, and held a Faculty position since
                         Reservations requested                      1973. Among his numerous achievements, Dr. Noone has chaired
                                                                     the Board of Trustees of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons
                                                                     and received a Lifetime Achievement Award from that organization.
                                                                       Reservations required | See online flyer for more details
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