Page 4 - Marketing Proposal - BB Condo Association
P. 4
Scope of Services
Personalized E-mail Communications
Putting the owner’s name in Subject Lines and Salutations of e-mails will let each person know our
communications are specified toward him or her rather than sending them out as generic communications.
We will generate excitement on Facebook by publishing “living the dream” concept visuals of the
completed project in addition to flyers and updates about the project. No Facebook promoted material will
be necessary since this is a private establishment.
Flyers and Brochures
Custom flyers and brochures will be created for handing out at the Town Hall Meetings, displaying in the
clubhouse office area and used as print aids for the Door-to-Door portion of services.
Videos of Town Hall Meetings
Videos communications are an excellent way to highlight the key reasons why a “Yes” vote will put
more money in their own pockets within the next 5-10 years. The videos will be promoted on all digital
platforms outlined within the Scope of Services.
Data Analytics
Using data analytic reports and preliminary vote assessments will help us understand whether or not
the more aggressive Door-to-Door marketing approach will be necessary to reach our goal.
A volunteer team of owners will be assembled and we will distribute print material to educate and
persuade non-voting/attending/”No” voting owners to vote in favor of the project.