Page 3 - Missa Hkungga Nawng ya ai lam
P. 3
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Karai Kasang a Mungga Hti Ai Daw
All sit for Lessons; at end of each Lesson Reader says.
Ya hti ai gaw Karai Kasang a mungga rai nga ai.
People: Karai Kasang hpe chyeju dum nga ga ai.
Gradual recited or chanted after first lesson; all stand
for alleluia, which is omitted if it is not chanted,
after the second Lesson. If there is incensation of book
the celebrant puts incense in thurible; then the deacon,
bowing before celebrant, says.
Deacon: Jube, domne, benedicere.
Priest: Dominus sit in corbe tuo et labiis tuis:
ut digne et competenter annunties
Evangelium suum; in nomine Patris, et
Filii x et Spiritus Sancti.
Deacon. Amen.
If there is no deacon the celebrant inclines before the
altar and says.
Priest : Munda cor meum ac Labia mea, omnipotens
Deus, ut sanctum Evangelium tuum digne
valeam nuntiare.
Going to ambo Deacon or Celebrant says:
Priest : Madu nanhte hte rau nga nga u ga.
People : Nang Wa hte mung nga nga u ga law
Priest : Ya hti na gaw San . . . . ka da ai hta na
Kabu Gara ai Shiga rai nga ai.
People : Madu e, Nang kaw hpung shingkang a nga
nga u ga law.
If there is incensation Deacon or Celebrant incenses
book; at end of Gospel he says:
Ya hti ai gaw Madu a Kabu gara shiga rai nga ai.
People: Hkristu e Nang kaw shakawn kungdawn anga nga u ga law.
Celebrant kisses book saying:
Per evangelica dicta deleantur nostra delicta
After the homily people stand and the Credo is recited: