Page 16 - Help
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2. Design Flipping Book
Select Template
FlipBook Maker Pro offers you an easy way to make a Flash Flipping Book by using variety of flip book pre-set
templates. Just click thumbnail on the left side, then you could view result on the right side.
To save project, you could open it next time as customized template, and continue editing.
Advanced Settings
In Settings panel, there are plenty of options for you to custom and personalize your publication. It is divided into
4 categories, Main Settings, Book Settings, Brand Settings and Button Settings. Inputting words on the search box,
it will help you to locate specific option quickly.
Main Settings
Magazine Name
You can type to input the Magazine Name which will show on top of flipping book. By clicking the Edit button, you
can change title name, input URL which will be opened once readers click the magazine name, or set
[Kvisoft Flipbook Maker Pro User Guide] Page 16