Page 51 - Адууны ям өвчний тандалт, үүсгэгчийн молекул биологийн судалгаа
P. 51

1.  To  collect  serum  samples  and  swabs  from  the  target  aimags  and  to  test  serum

                  samples by CFT;
                  2. To isolate pure cultures from swabs;

                  3. To make differential diagnosis of causative agent by using standard bacteriological

                  4. To isolate bacterial genomic DNA and confirm by PCR;
                  5. To determine and compare nucleic acid sequence of specific gene of both local and

                  standard strains.


                         In order to determine prevalence rate of equine glanders, 520 horse blood serum
                  samples  from  western  and  central  regions  of  Mongolia  and  493  horse  blood  serum

                  samples from Baganuur, Nalaikh and Khan-Uul districts were checked by CFT in 2014
                  and 2015 respectively for surveillance. As a result, 24 of 520 samples collected in 2014

                  were positive or prevalence rate is 4.6%, whereas 65 of 493 samples taken in 2015 were

                  positive or prevalence rate is 11.56%.
                         As well, inoculation from swabs to both simple and selective nutrient media was

                  made by using Koch dilution method and they were incubated at 37 С for 24 to 72 hours.
                  Meat peptone agar (MPA) containing glycerol and blood agar nutrient media were used
                  for above purpose. Colonies, which are morphologically similar to bacterium    B.mallei,

                  were  collected  and  pure  cultures  were  isolated.    Biochemical  activity,  antibiotics
                  sensitivity  and  motility  of  cultures  were  measured  and  diagnosed  differentially.  Local

                  strains sent by us were resistant to two antibiotics Colistin and Polymixin B, non-motile
                  and  oxidase  positive  strains.  Then  these  strains  were  cultivated  in  liquid  nutrient

                  medium, genomic DNA was isolated as described in the methodology, and specific gene

                  stated  in  OIE  recommendation  was  amplified  and  confirmed  by  PCR.  Nucleotide
                  sequences of these genes were determined and compared to sequences of the gene of

                  International Genebank, and finally it was identified the bacterium is causative agent of
                  equine glanders at genetic level.


                      1.  Prevalence rate of equine glanders was 4.61% in western and central aimags of

                         Mongolia in 2014, while 11.1% in areas around UB city in 2015.

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