Page 49 - Бог малын сохор догол өвчнөөс сэргийлэх идэвхгүйжүүлсэн вакцины загвар бэлтгэн сорьсон дүн
P. 49

Бог малын сохор догол өвчнөөс сэргийлэх идэвхгүйжүүлсэн вакцины загвар            2013
                     бэлтгэн сорьсон дүн

                     are belongs to group similar to reference starin M. agalactiae PG2 (accession number

                     CU179680),  but  genetically  different  from  M.  agalactiae  5632  (accession  number

                            From  above  mentioned  37  isolates,  we  had  selected  6  isolates,  which  were

                     determined by PCR as the M. agalactiae and we were selected 6 of them to use for
                     preparation  of  a  phenol  and  saponin  inactivated  vaccine.  But  a  sponin  inactivated

                     vaccine was toxic to mice and for future study used only phenol inactivayed vaccine

                            By our study the phenol inactivated vaccine has no side effects for laboratory

                     experimental animals and for small ruminants. Also this vaccine candidate has a good
                     protection against contigious agalactiae.

                     Цэрэндоржийн Батболд                                                                     47
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