Page 215 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
P. 215
05.09.2024, 22:52 Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation
2 A d v e r b s a n d a d v e r b i a l p h r a s e s
A Position of adverbs 4 Degree
Adverbs are normally found in one of three positions We normally put adverbs of degree right before the word
within a clause: front, end or mid-position. they modify, whether they be verbs, adjectives or other
adverbs. This type of adverb can change the meaning of
Fortunately, they had remembered their umbrellas.
sentence depending on its position:
The kids are playing upstairs .
You really must look at Paula’s beautiful drawing.
I wholeheartedly agree.
(= modifying must)
Adverbs in the mid-position go before main verbs,
You must really look at Paula’s beautiful drawing.
between auxiliaries and main verbs, and after the verb be .
(=modifying look at)
The company has completely remodelled the existing
You must look at Paula’s really beautiful drawing.
(= modifying beautiful)
Sport for sport’s sake though is undeniably fun.
5 Focusing: even , only and just
Remember that adverbs do not usually come between a
We can use even to suggest that something is unexpected
verb and its object.
or surprising and only to express some kind of restriction.
It completely slipped my mind.
Both these adverbs go in the front position when
It slipped completely my mind.
modifying the subject and in the mid-position when
The position of an adverb can depend on the type of
modifying the verb.
adverb used, as well as what the speaker or writer wants to
We were seated promptly and even got a window seat.
emphasise. While some adverbs can go in more than one
Only business domain email addresses are accepted.
position, the rules below can be used as a general guide.
Just can mean ‘only’ or ‘exactly’. It goes directly before the
1 Frequency
word it modifies.
Adverbs of frequency usually go in the mid-position,
Although this was just a joke, many people took it to heart.
but some (frequently, normally, occasionally, often,
This crowd-pleasing curry recipe is spiced just right.
sometimes, usually) can be put in the end or front
positions to add emphasis to the adverb:
6 Comment and viewpoint adverbs
He occasionally attends classes.
Adverbs like clearly , obviously and theoretically allow us
He attends classes occasionally. to express a view about an action or comment on it. These
adverbs can modify entire clauses when they go in the
Occasionally, he attends class.
front or end position. In the mid-position, we use them to
Longer adverbial phrases of frequency usually go in the
comment on, or even to distance ourselves from, what we
end position. We can also put them in the front position
are saying.
if the adverb is not the focus of the sentence. NB These
Honestly, the flat is not really our style.
hardly ever go in the mid-position.
The concert is completely sold out, unfortunately .
He goes to the cinema every now and then.
Franc’s decision to move on was apparently for personal
Every now and then he goes to the cinema. (less
rather than professional reasons.
emphasis on frequency)
B Adverbs with different forms
2 Manner
Some adverbs have the same base form but different
Adverbs of manner usually go in the end position, but they
meanings: high / highly, deep / deeply, wide / widely ,
may also go in the mid-position to put more emphasis on
late / lately, hard / hardly, fine / finely , short / shortly.
the adverb.
The race started 45 minutes late due to heavy rain.
They accepted the offer immediately and moved out.
(= after the expected, arranged or usual time)
They immediately accepted the offer and moved out.
The best book I’ve read lately is, without a doubt,
The Rings of Saturn by W.G. Sebald. (= recently)
3 Time and place
Time and place adverbs (or adverbial phrases) usually go
C Adverbs to modify adjectives
in the end position.
Adverbs are often used to modify adjectives. Many of
He learned to find solace in the great outdoors.
these combinations are strong collocations.
The ceiling paintings are best seen in the afternoon.
utterly useless
But, to add a literary tone, particularly in writing, they can
highly successful
go in the front position.
painfully shy
Downstairs, a vaulted cellar awaits visitors.
strikingly different
When combined, the order of adverbs is usually: manner /
place / time.
We chatted animatedly in the kitchen after dinner .
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