Page 60 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
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04.09.2024, 21:57                        Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation

                                                                                 MEETING IN THE MIDDLE

                H o w   t o   g o   a b o u t   i t
                •   Part 6 tests your understanding of text structure, cohesion, coherence and global
                •   Carefully read the main text, focusing on how it develops. Consider the progression of
                 events, ideas or arguments.

                   In order to achieve these two objectives, communication and listening skills are
                   required. Non-judgemental open-ended questions and statements that ascertain the
                   state of mind of the other person can be the best friend of this kind of interaction.
                   Statements like ‘Tell me how that happened’ are far more effective than anything
                   more direct and confrontational which can enflame the ire of the other party.
                   This indicates that a positive attitudinal outlook may well be more effective in
                   achieving an expected outcome than treating other participants in a more cold,
                   robotic manner. The emotionally intelligent may even have the upper hand over the
                   intellectually intelligent in terms of these kinds of scenarios, as they have the ability to
                   sit back, identify their and others’ emotions, how it affects thinking and how this can
                   be managed.
                 C   Coping with any kind of confrontation in general can be quite a difficult scenario.
                   Be it a criminal in negotiation with the police, or a businessman negotiating a deal,
                   often there can be mixed feelings of vulnerability and fear of being tricked or taken
                   advantage of. Perhaps this is why initial impressions can count for so much, to allay
                   these worries.
                   Only after all of these strategies have been deployed effectively can any influence
                   be exerted over the decision-making. This part of negotiation is usually what most
                   people jump to first, ignoring all the effort to get the other party on side, yet initiating
                   solutions and agreements is far easier to do, and more successful, when it’s
                   negotiated between two collaborators rather than adversaries.
                 E   This is simply because people are usually far too concerned with putting their own
                   opinion across, and showing they are right, to really negotiate effectively with their
                   counterpart. This not only puts the back up of the other party, but it also fails to
                   identify common ground or a third or middle way, which then can ultimately lead to a
                   better solution for all.
                 F   Naturally, the kinds of individuals who negotiate these sorts of transactions need to
                   have a very particular skill set. Usually former police and military, they must have the
                   ability to remain completely unnerved during highly stressful circumstances, and to
                   understand and identify with what many people might consider the unidentifiable.
                   But this wasn’t always the case.  Until recently, emotion was viewed as something that
                   impedes negotiation, with business experts advising people to leave their feelings at
                   the door and focus on the problem rather than the personalities in the room. Yet there
                   is increasing evidence of the flaws in this thinking as more emotionally based insights
                   are coming to the fore.
                 H   The lesson here may seem obvious; that when confronted with a dilemma that seems
                   unsolvable, rather than go in all guns blazing arguing for your position, it’s better to
                   step back and look at it from all perspectives to try and find the way forward. While
                   this might be something the average person on the street may struggle with, in many
                   settings this is the first step to tip the scales of success in negotiations.
               3   S P E A K  In pairs, discuss the questions below.
                   How do you feel when you go into a situation that requires negotiation? Do you use
                   any of the skills in the article?
                 2   What advice would you give somebody who had to negotiate the following:
                   •   getting money off the price of a product with a slight imperfection
                     asking for a deadline extension on an essay at university
                   •   requesting a pay increase at work

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