Page 64 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
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04.09.2024, 21:57                        Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation

                                                                                 MEETING IN THE MIDDLE
               2   Read the model answer and complete the notes in the writer’s plan.

                Plan                   To the editor,
                                       It was with great interest that I read the recent feature, ‘Have our relationships moved
                Opening paragraph
                                       online?’ The article is a welcome look at an issue that many of us in middle age are
                – Disagree with        still getting to grips with. That said, I’m disappointed by the author’s efforts to belittle
                                       online relationships, limiting her analysis to a litany of flaws and potential pitfalls. A more
                  arguments made in
                                       fair-minded article would have examined the upsides as well.
                  feature – there are
                                       ‘Have our relationships moved online?’ triggered memories of one of my own friendships
                  also benefits
                                       that began online. An avid fan of sustainable interior design, I follow a number of designers
                First body paragraph
                                       on social media. One of my favourites is Maria Suarez, who builds furniture incorporating
                                       reclaimed wood and traditional Spanish tiles. Last year, I reached out to Maria and she kindly
                                       agreed to custom build a shelving unit for the nook beside my kitchen. Since then, what
                                       started as a business transaction has blossomed into a genuine friendship. Maria and I have
                                       even met up in person a few times when she’s come to Berlin for design-related events.
                                       This example illustrates clear benefits to meeting people through the internet. Firstly, it’s
                Second body paragraph
                                       undoubtedly easier to break the ice online. Even the shyest of individuals, such as myself, is
                                       unafraid of commenting on a social media post. Secondly, the internet facilitates meeting
                                       people with mutual interests. Thanks to social media, I’ve joined a flock of like-minded
                                       people, many of whom organise in-person events that I’ve been lucky enough to attend.
                                       Too often to count, the brief, albeit superficial, online communication I had with people
                                       prior to meeting with them in person acted as a useful – and, for me, necessary – stepping
                Closing paragraph
                                       stone to successful face-to-face interaction.
                                       To conclude, I believe this topic is worthy of further exploration in your magazine and
                                       I would encourage you to examine it from a variety of different angles.
                                       Best regards,
                                       Hannah Schulz

               3   Read the sample answer again and assess it with the following scale.              

                                                2   =   s a t i s f a c t o r y    3  =  excellent
                    1  =  needs  improvement
                 Does the writer …                                     1   2    3
                 1   address the points from the task instructions?
                 2   begin and end the letter appropriately?
                 3   use an appropriately formal style?
                 4   organise the letter using a logical structure?
                 5   back up arguments with supporting examples and reasons?
                 6   use a variety of sophisticated vocabulary and grammar?

               4   S P E A K  Work with a partner. Compare your assessments. Justify the marks you chose.

               5   You are going to write your own answer to the Writing Part 2 task in Exercise 1. Before
                 you start, brainstorm ideas and organise them into a plan similar to the one in Exercise 2.
               6   S P E A K  Work in pairs. Discuss your plans. Can you help your partner improve their plan?

               7   Write your own letter in response to the Writing Part 2 task in Exercise 1. Before handing
                 it in to your teacher, use the chart in Exercise 3 to assess your writing.

                H o w   t o   g o   a b o u t   i t
                 Read the instructions carefully. Identify and underline the 2–3 points that you need to
                 address. Think about the purpose of your letter – what are you trying to achieve?
                •   Plan your letter thoroughly before putting pen to paper. Well planned answers are
                 likely to get better marks for both organisation and communicative achievement.
                 In your answer, use a wide variety of sophisticated lexis and grammar. You also have to
                 demonstrate you have a good command of the conventions of letter writing.
               For more information on writing letters, see page 193 .
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