Page 66 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
P. 66
04.09.2024, 21:58 Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation
Language focus Noun phrases and nominal clauses
Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.
1 Either Odin’s parents or his grandfather are going to pick him up from ballet class.
Theoretical physics employ mathematical models to explain and predict natural
3 The heiress’s inheritance is tied up in different trust.
4 Must you make such a racket? Aerobics don’t have to involve such loud stomping!
I’m not sure which, but it is either the salmon dish or the salad that contain nuts.
6 It was a risky undertaking. We didn’t tell the manager whose decision it had been, but it
was Sophie.
Writing Part 1 Essay
Read the two texts below. Write an essay summarising and evaluating the key points
from both texts. Use your own words throughout as far as possible and include your own
ideas in your answer.
While preparing for a negotiation, the first step It’s a good idea to reveal your priorities at the
should always be to decide on your priorities. beginning of any negotiation, whether it be in the
If there is more than one, which is most context of a business meeting or a discussion among
often the case, you’ll need to arrange these family members. This may sound counterintuitive
priorities in order of importance, analysing because the other party could take advantage
all the variables in terms of value and cost to of this knowledge. However, by disclosing your
each party. When both sides put this strategy priorities, you signal cooperation and inspire
into practice, it’s easier to make trade-offs. reciprocity. You also build trust. When trust is at
What’s more, having clear priorities helps the centre of a negotiation, it’s easier to achieve
avoid a common problem: as the negotiation mutual gains, instead of simply trying to get the
draws to a close, it’s easy to lose sight of your upper-hand and come out ahead. This is because
objectives and make hasty decisions. You may trust enables negotiating parties to mentally relax
end up giving away too much, leading to an and focus on finding innovative solutions that will be
unsuccessful negotiation. advantageous for both sides.
Write your answer in 240–280 words
For more information on writing essays, see page 190. 59… 1/1