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04.09.2024, 21:59                        Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation

                                                       READY FOR READING AND USE OF ENGLISH PARTS 5–7

               Reading and Use of English            Part 6 Gapped text
               1   S P E A K  Work in groups. Read the title and subheading of
                                                                  D o n ’ t   f o r g e t !
                 the article. Then, discuss the questions.
                                                                  First, read the whole text to get an idea of the overall
                   What international agreements are in place for the
                                                                  meaning, structure and flow. On the next reading,
                   world’s oceans?
                                                                  look for links between the extracted paragraphs
                   In what ways do you think international diplomacy
                                                                  and the text, including reference words, linguistic
                   contributes towards their management?
                                                                  devices such as pronoun references and synonym
                                                                  substitutions, as well as any overlaps in ideas or
               2   Quickly read the text. Were any of your ideas in Exercise 1
                 mentioned by the authors?


                       A TALE OF COLLABORATION

                        I t   h a s   n o t   a l l   b e e n   p l a i n   s a i l i n g   w h e n   i t   c o m e s   d e c i d i n g   w h o   o w n s   t h e   o c e a n s   a n d   t h e i r
                        r e s o u r c e s .   W e   t a k e   a   l o o k   a t   h o w   t h i s   t r i c k y   a r e a   o f   i n t e r n a t i o n a l   d i p l o m a c y   d e v e l o p e d .

                Managing the world’s oceans has an interesting history that
                is seldom told in full. While once nations sought to dominate
                                                                By this time, it was becoming increasingly clear that any
                them and assert sovereignty over them for trade purposes,                            
                                                                international disagreements would have to be put aside.
                the focus nowadays is on international collaboration to
                                                                The oceans were suffering from a raft of issues such as
                preserve these precious habitats under serious threat after
                                                                overfishing and pollution, all caused by human activity.
                centuries of human exploitation. Satisfying the needs of
                                                                There was no doubt that something needed to be done
                countries large and small all over the world is no mean feat
                                                                and any action would have to be on a global scale.
                and one which should be celebrated.
                                                                Yet it could not have been accomplished without
                Humans have traded fish and products derived from sea
                                                                scientific development. At its heart was the growing
                mammals and plants since they first took to the water in
                                                                understanding that the world’s oceans are linked by
                rudimentary sailing vessels several thousand years ago.
                                                                currents that enable life to thrive and that human
                Sailing technology gradually improved over time resulting in
                                                                impact can have far-reaching consequences.
                more of the oceans becoming navigable. This in turn led to
                                                                Marine conservationists had started stressing that the
                a global maritime trading network in the 16th century linking
                                                                only way forward was international cooperation and
                regions of the world such as Europe, Asia and the Caribbean.
                                                                the United Nations listened.
                This distinction was to give countries jurisdiction over the
                                                                As new information was uncovered, more charitable
                seas and oceans around their coasts and also started the
                                                                organisations appeared to champion the cause.
                process of working out how to deal with the high seas.
                                                                Spurred on by the success of the UN and bolstered
                While it was acknowledged that countries should be able to
                                                                by research data, they too made great leaps in ocean
                use the oceans bordering their land for their own purposes,
                                                                protection, with successful international collaboration
                deciding what to do with the rest raised questions which
                                                                projects boosting whale populations, reducing coastal
                were difficult to resolve for obvious reasons until a Dutch
                                                                pollution and a host of other improvements.
                legal expert named Hugo Grotius took up the challenge in
                the 17th century.
                                                                In the face of climate change and the devasting effects
                                                                on marine life, demonstrating effective leadership
                Deciding on the content of a law to ensure ‘freedom of the
                                                                is necessary. Modern ocean management bears
                high seas’, as the concept became known, was always going
                                                                little resemblance to the trade-based treaties of the
                to be a daunting task. There were many aspects to take
                                                                17th century and is concerned solely with stewardship
                into consideration not least the issue of the distribution of
                                                                rather than ownership. Now that the issues are better
                resources in the oceans. While coral reefs and tropical seas
                                                                understood, modernising old international treaties is of
                are teeming with life, vast stretches of coastlines host far
                                                                utmost importance.
                fewer species and as such resources are unevenly spread.
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