Page 10 - EN-Youth Report
P. 10

Socio-economic situation

                 Almost 51% of the youth are
               considering unemployment to be a

               real threat to their economic status.

               Livelihood projects should be

                 supported to avoid recruitment by
               armed groups as a source of income


               20% mentioned early marriage as a
               source of social problems.                                    Education
               22% have lost hope in positive
               change, and 19% are feeling                     More spending on education is

               marginalized. This is particularly              needed, whether by supporting
               dangerous as it creates some volatile           existing services (48%), or advocating
               personalities that could be easily              for the protection of schools from

               drifted towards violence.                       being targeted (23%), or by asking
                                                               for scholarships for higher education


                                                  79% considered that war induced disabilities,
                                                  and 26% mentioned psychological trauma as
                                                  a main threat to their personal wellbeing.

                Community change

           Local councils are still perceived by the studied
           sample  as  the  body  that  can  lead  positive
           change  in  the  society  (43%),  followed  by
           NGOs (31% for NGOs and 13% for grassroots)

                                                                                 Supplementary exam-Idlib University -Idlib city-Syria

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