Page 12 - EN-Youth Report
P. 12


                              Advocacy for political transition in is the main effort that

       1                       should be undertaken to address root causes of problems in Syria

                                  Support for local governance bodies (LCs) and Syrian Civil   3

       2                        Society Organizations (CSOs) should be maintained, as they   More support for the juristic
                                      are the most credible partners that are trusted to lead
                                positive change in their communities, with more inclusion of         system
                                                                youth in these institutions.

                                      4.  More youth sensitive programming that includes:

                        Creating livelihoods                         Establishing                   Supporting youth
                        projects to decrease                         more Youth                     entrepreneurships

                        unemployment                                 centers                        incubators

             5.  Improving and increasing support for Education, and
                 achieve recognition from local high educational
                 institutes, and increase the ability of educational
                 institutions to cater for the needs of people with
                 special needs.

                                                                 6.  Increasing support for specialized health services
                                                                    including: PSS, PSEA, and physical rehabilitation

          7.  Applying gender sensitive programming, addressing PSEA and
             early marriage issues with sensibilization and women
             empowerment projects

                        Response to these recommendations would decrease the marginalization of youth, and
                          making them more resilient to extremist ideologies, and will lead to more stability in
                                                Northwestern Syria on the long run.

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