Page 18 - EN-Youth Report
P. 18
effective support system and the unavailability of frameworks and institutions that
address their needs, the young population has been seen to become increasingly
desperate and frustrated with the authoritarian nature that rules the Syrian society. On
the other hand, a large proportion of the Syrian society, including its young people,
are not sufficiently aware of the foundations of good governance, and the rights and
duties of both citizens and their government, which are considered important concepts
in consolidating citizenship and tolerance in any society.
Long-term efforts need to be made by educational institutions, civil society
organizations and local government departments to educate citizens, especially young
people, on these issues, and proper channels need to be provided to practice their
right for democracy and actively participate in local affairs.
Without providing the necessary assistance to young citizens, and without greater
recognition within communities of the importance of youth participation in community
affairs, young people will not be able to effectively participate in social and political
activity and their socio-political potential will continue to retract.
Young women, who are more marginalized and excluded from society and decision-
making processes because of social and cultural norms and practices, are also exposed
to additional risks, such as early marriage, denial of higher education, domestic
violence, harassment and other issues.
Challenges facing young people in Syria are not entirely different from challenges faced
by their peers in conflict and post-conflict environments around the world. Young
people have few options for meaningful and productive engagement with local
governance structures and with other formal and informal leaders. It requires a more
acceptable environment, more practical models and tools to effectively engage in the
interests of the community, as well as education and capacity development on a
broader range of topics and skills that attract and retain enthusiastic individuals
committed to social activity.