Page 133 - English Grammar in Use Suppl. Ex. - Fifth Edition
P. 133
137- Key
10 This week I’ve texted my 18 I was waiting be full of litter until the fast
best friend over a hundred 19 I was worrying food restaurant opened.
times. 20 what had happened 7 followed: During our cruise
21 I saw I took several photos of
43 22 You were laughing the seabirds which used to
2 had prepared 23 I realised follow the ship.
3 arrived 24 you’d been sitting 8 No change
4 discovered 25 I lost 9 was: The music in this club
5 had reserved 26 My sister saw used to be terrible before
6 didn’t have 27 She was singing they installed a new sound
7 had given system.
8 had also misunderstood 47 10 spent: I used to spend a
9 wanted Example answers: lot of time helping with
10 suspected 2 I didn’t use to like olives. the housework when I was
11 had lost 3 I used to enjoy meeting a kid, but my sister didn’t
new people.
44 4 My sister didn’t use to be use to help at all.
2 the match had ended interested in visiting art 11 No change
3 he hadn’t brought galleries. 50
4 Gary had his laptop 5 I used to play football Example answers:
5 found more often. 3 I used to play computer
6 the lab had mixed up 6 My brother used to have games every day after school.
7 because I hadn’t seen him long hair. 4 I used to go to the cinema
8 so we decided
7 My uncle didn’t use to live every weekend, but I don’t
45 near us. have time now.
Example answers: 8 My husband used to work 5 I didn’t use to have so much
2 ’d/had broken her phone in Beijing. homework at my last school.
3 ’d/had gone out 9 I used to teach at the 6 I didn’t use to eat in
4 ’d/had had an accident university. restaurants, but now I go
5 ’d/had been eating biscuits 10 We didn’t use to cycle. several times a week.
6 ’d/had been texting a friend 48 7 I used to listen to music
7 ’d/had broken her leg 2 found while I was working, but my
8 ’d/had been stealing money 3 used to wear new boss doesn’t allow it.
or ’d/had stolen money 8 I used to see my
4 Did people really use to think grandparents every week
46 5 admitted when I was younger.
2 We’d arranged 6 often used to fall
3 didn’t you come 7 were 51
4 I was 8 was planning Example answers:
5 I’d been waiting 9 was wearing 2 didn’t use to be
6 Didn’t you get 49 3 had
7 I sent 3 had: My mother used to 4 used to stay
8 I was walking have a favourite handbag 5 was booking/buying
9 I noticed which she had bought 6 fell
10 they’d changed with her first pay cheque. 7 learnt/learned …
11 I texted 4 No change was working
12 I sent 5 was: Before the new 8 used to live
13 I didn’t get shopping centre was built, 52
14 I tried there used to be a football 2 you were
15 I didn’t receive stadium here. 3 Do you know
16 My phone hadn’t been 6 wasn’t: Jamie complained 4 I used to eat
working that the street didn’t use to 5 I was doing
17 they’d mended
English Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises 125