Page 137 - English Grammar in Use Suppl. Ex. - Fifth Edition
P. 137
137- Key
6 If the tourists didn’t like 95 6 If I hadn’t missed the bus,
their hotels and so on, I’d / Example answers: I wouldn’t have been fired.
I would have a terrible time. 2 ’d/would do … had … 7 If I hadn’t broken my leg
7 You’d / You would / were/was … ’d/would want (when I went skiing), I could
You could be handling 3 ’d/had known … wouldn’t go to the wedding. / I could
complaints every day if they have asked have gone to the wedding.
weren’t happy. 4 wouldn’t have hurt … 8 If we’d stopped to buy
8 But if I decide to apply for hadn’t been reading some petrol, we wouldn’t
a job like that, will you help 5 love … were/was … lost … have run out.
me with my application? / would you do
But if I decided to apply for a 98
job like that, would you help 96 Example answers:
me with my application? Example answers: 2 wasn’t/weren’t so mean
9 you’ll / you will succeed, if 2 If she’d had a holiday last 3 couldn’t have watched the
you do. year, she wouldn’t have got match
terribly tired and stressed. 4 hadn’t been reading in the
92 3 If her manager hadn’t car
Example answers: contracted her to record a 5 would be more popular
2 What would you do if you new album after the tour, 6 apologise
won a lottery prize? he wouldn’t have panicked. 7 pressed this button
3 What would you do if you 4 If the tour hadn’t been 8 hadn’t been unlucky
saw someone break into a such a huge success, she 9 ’d/had borrowed their bikes
car? wouldn’t have been able to 10 would have made a lot of
4 What would you do if your postpone the recording for money
house was on fire? two months.
5 What would you do if you 5 If her manager hadn’t sent 99
were having a problem her to a luxury spa hotel 4 had … could take a lot of
with grammar? for a complete rest, she exercise
6 How would your brother wouldn’t have met Hossein. 5 didn’t leave their bikes
react if you crashed his car? 6 If Hossein hadn’t been unlocked … wouldn’t be so
7 What would happen if recovering from a bad easy for thieves
your sister wore those skiing accident, he would 6 had realised how
shoes outside? have been doing research dangerous smoking was
8 What would happen if you in California. … wouldn’t have serious
overslept? 7 If they hadn’t been the only health problems
9 What would you and your guests on their own, they 7 would have risen … hadn’t
friends do if you didn’t wouldn’t have started talking. forgotten to add yeast / had
have to earn money? 8 If he’d known who she was, added yeast
10 What would happen to he would have treated her 8 don’t protect wildlife now
car manufacturers if we all like a star. … won’t be any left
rode bikes? 9 If her manager hadn’t 9 realised how much toys cost
11 What would happen if all panicked, she wouldn’t … ’d/would understand
the politicians retired? have met her fiancé. 100
12 What would you do if you 97 2 I wish I had a car.
felt ill when you woke up? Example answers: 3 I wish I worked in an office.
3 If I’d come home earlier, I 4 I wish I lived with my son.
Your answers should have the wouldn’t be so tired. 5 I wish I could dance.
same structures as those in 4 If I’d had some breakfast, I’d 6 I wish I didn’t live in a city.
Exercise 92. be able to concentrate. 7 I wish I were/was a
5 If I’d remembered to buy helicopter pilot.
94 tickets last week, we could 8 I wish I didn’t have short
2 f 4 b 6 c go to the concert. / we could hair.
3 a 5 g 7 d have gone to the concert.
English Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises 129