Page 141 - English Grammar in Use Suppl. Ex. - Fifth Edition
P. 141

           137-  Key

                     132                           11  to discuss             6  telling someone where
                     3  entering   6  to be living   12  asking                 you’re going
                     4  living     7  working      13  to have known          7  being late
                     5  to bring   8  to support                              8  ordering goods online
                     133                          Example answers:            141
                     2  to ride                   2  I learnt to swim at the age   3  go   7  spending
                     3  setting off                  of six.                  4  waking    8  say
                     4  to lose                   3  I can’t help getting angry   5  arrive  9  being
                     5  hitting                      when I see someone being   6  finding
                     6  to try                       treated unfairly.        142
                     7  having lost or losing     4  I don’t mind washing up,   3  of looking
                     8  to raise                     but I hate vacuuming the   4  to risk
                     9  to find                      floors.
                                                  5  I sometimes pretend to be   5  in persuading
                     134                             listening to what the boss   6  to hearing
                     Example answers:                is saying when really I’m   7  to have
                      2  to see or to visit          just daydreaming.         8  to achieve
                      3  postponing or putting off   6  I always encourage people   9  for letting or to have let
                        or delaying                  to read books which I have    10  of sending
                      4  writing or doing            enjoyed reading myself.   11  in going
                      5  going or changing or     7  I remember going to the    12  about forgetting or for
                        switching                    circus when I was a small   forgetting
                      6  to deliver                  child.                    13  to forget
                      7  to send or to post       8  I enjoy swimming even     14  from sending
                      8  to send or to post          though I’m not very good    15  to remember
                      9  losing or offending         at it.                    16  to forget
                      10  texting                 9  I expect to have passed   143
                      11  to help                    my driving test by the end   4  had been murdered
                      12  to join                    of next year.             5  didn’t love
                      13  replying
                                                   10  I’ve given up going to discos   6  didn’t murder
                     135                             because they’re too noisy.  7  wanted
                     2  Hugo to do fifty press-ups.  138                       8  had or was having
                     3  her / the woman to sign the   2  a  4  c  6  e         9  asked
                       petition                   3  f  5  g  7  d             10  was watching
                     4  buying Delia the drums /                               11  told
                       buying the drums (for Delia)   139                      12  called
                     5  Charlie finish his homework   2  by checking the instructions   13  noticed
                       (before he went out)       3  (in) spending too long on    14  had expected or had been
                     6  to reach the shampoo       one question                  expecting
                     7  washing or to be washed   4  trying to see how your    15  answered
                     8  Sam (to) lay the table     friends are getting on      16  was shouting
                                                  5  by allowing time to check    17  were obviously having
                     136                           all your answers            18  took
                      2  being shouted            6  cheating in the long run   19  shouting
                      3  to sack                                               20  had gone
                      4  to have worked           140                          21  to go
                      5  changing                 Example answers:             22  didn’t want
                      6  to say                   2  buying fast food every day   23  heard
                      7  being                    3  sitting at home watching TV   24  came
                      8  to get                   4  offering to help you      25  was still talking
                      9  to pass                  5  helping people who don’t    26  heard
                      10  help                     want it

                                                                       English Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises  133
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