Page 139 - English Grammar in Use Suppl. Ex. - Fifth Edition
P. 139

           137-  Key

                      13  must be worn by all visitors    7  was cleaned      7  when the music festival is /
                      14  must have been changed    8  was put                  when the music festival
                      15  will the food for the party   9  was being vacuumed   takes place
                        be delivered               10  have been laid         8  how old the castle is / when
                                                   11  have been arranged       the castle was built
                     110                           12  have been mixed
                      2  ’s been closed / has been    13  will be opened      118
                        closed                     14  will be served         2  Is one with a sea view
                      3  ’s being held / is being                               available?
                        held  there               114                         3  have you heard about the
                      4  it’s being organised / it   2  I’ll have it cleaned.   special offer we are running
                        is being organised / it’s   3  I’ll have them painted.  at the moment?
                        organised / it is organised  4  I’ll have it rearranged.  4  Why don’t you take
                      5  they’d been seen / they had   5  I’ll have it mended.  advantage of it?
                        been seen / they were seen    6  I’ll have them emptied.  5  What have I got to do to
                      6  they were flown          7  I’ll have them washed.     qualify for it?
                      7  ’s going to be / is going to   115                   6  How much will it be for bed
                        be / will be  surrounded    2  I’m going to have a new   and breakfast?
                      8  we won’t be invited        operating system installed.  7  Shall I give you my credit
                      9  will probably be cancelled    3  are going to have her   card number now?
                      10  were being recruited /    portrait painted.         8  Would you like me to
                        were recruited            4  he’s had a beautiful new   email confirmation of your
                      11  we’ll be employed / we    house designed (by an       reservation to you?
                        will be employed            architect).               119
                      12  to be allowed           5  I’m having blinds fitted on   2  how much do you weigh? /
                                                    the windows.
                     111                                                        what do you weigh?
                     2  ’ll/will get  7  gets     6  she had him followed (by a   3  how tall are you?
                     3  is          8  got          detective).               4  What do you do (for a
                     4  got         9  are        7  to have the stain removed.  living)? / What’s your job/
                     5  got         10  got       116                           occupation?
                     6  are                       3  When were you here before?  5  do you take regular
                                                  4  Why did you come then?     exercise? / do you exercise
                     112                          5  Why have you come this     regularly?
                     2  is thought to be short of   time?                     6  Do you do any sport?
                       money                                                  7  Do you have a healthy diet?
                     3  was alleged to have cheated  6  Are you doing a tour now?  8  Have you (ever) tried to give
                                                  7  How many cities are you
                     4  is reported to be resigning  going to visit? or … will you   (it) up?
                     5  is expected to be finished   visit?
                       soon                       8  What do you want to do   120
                     6  is generally considered (to   after that?              2  What does this word mean?
                       be) too young to get married  9  Do you have a message for   3  How much does it cost to
                     7  was thought to have been    your fans?                   fly to Australia from here?
                       destroyed                                               4  We can’t remember where
                     8  are believed to have been   117                          we left our car.
                       hiding for two weeks       2  how much this guidebook   5  OK
                                                    is/costs                   6  Would you like to explain
                     113                          3  where the postcards are     what your problem is?
                      2  was planned              4  what time / when  the     7  How long did it take you
                      3  was unloaded               sports centre closes         to get here?
                      4  was cooked               5  how this timetable works /   8  Now I know why you
                      5  to be made                 how to use this timetable    didn’t tell me what you
                      6  had been washed or were   6  where I can get/find free   were buying!
                        washed                      internet access            9  OK

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