Page 135 - English Grammar in Use Suppl. Ex. - Fifth Edition
P. 135

           137-  Key

                     64                           8  you might be late on the    in the museum if it’s not
                      3  I’m meeting                 first day                   interesting;
                      4  I’ll make                9  you might lose your job     b = I don’t want to waste
                      5  finishes                  10  he might get upset        time in the museum if it’s
                      6  Shall I bring                                           not interesting
                      7  I’m going to try         69                           4  a = I don’t think you
                      8  you get                  2  c  4  e  6  i  8  b         should have opened the
                      9  I probably won’t have    3  f   5  a  7  h  9  g        package;
                      10  my course starts        70                             b = I believe you opened
                      11  I arrive                2  could have fallen           the package (but this
                      12  I’m spending            3  may have found              doesn’t mean that I think
                      13  you’ll be doing         4  couldn’t have left          you were wrong to do that)
                      14  I’ll be getting         5  could be coming           5  same
                      15  I’ll Skype              6  may be visiting           6  a = We had too many
                                                  7  may be seeing               sandwiches (for a past
                     65                                                          occasion);
                     2  could go                  71                             b = I’m about to make
                     3  was able to get           2  must have been              some sandwiches, but
                     4  haven’t been able to get  3  can’t be                    I’m not going to make
                     5  could be                  4  can’t be using              as many as I originally
                     6  couldn’t                  5  may be having               planned to make (for a
                     7  could have cooked         6  can’t have enjoyed          future occasion)
                                                  7  may be delivering
                     66                                                        7  a = My father mustn’t find
                     2  b           7  a and b    8  can’t have been             out what I’ve done;
                     3  a and b     8  a            concentrating                b = I’ve done something
                     4  b           9  a          9  must be                     and I believe my father
                     5  a           10  b         72                             now knows about it
                     6  b                         Example answers:             8  a = I think moving house
                                                  3  might be                    now would be a mistake;
                     67                                                          b = I think moving now
                     3  They might have had a row.  4  can’t be                  is unnecessary (but that
                     4  She might have dropped    5  might be in                 doesn’t mean it would be
                       something.                 6  must have been              a mistake)
                     5  It might be under the bed.  7  might not have seen     9  same
                     6  They might be planning a   8  can’t have told          10  a = We’re about to leave
                       surprise.                  9  might be something you      and I suggest checking
                     7  He might have had some    73                             the timetable first (future);
                       bad news.                  2  d  4  f    6  g             b = We left home but we
                     8  She might be working at   3  a  5  e  7  b               didn’t check the timetable
                       home.                                                     before leaving and now
                     9  She might have had        74                             we realise this was a
                       something better to do.    2  should have told            mistake (past)
                     You can use may instead of   3  ought to
                     might in all these sentences.  4  don’t have to          76
                                                  5  needn’t have bothered    2  needn’t   6  mustn’t
                     68                           6  must have sent           3  Shouldn’t  7  should
                     Example answers:             7  should be                4  shouldn’t  8  needn’t
                      3  you might get lost       8  must have forgotten      5  needn’t
                      4  you might miss your flight
                      5  you might damage your    75                          77
                        health                    2  same                     2  needn’t   5  shouldn’t
                      6  you might fail it        3  a = There’s no reason for   3  must   6  should
                      7  it might break down         us to spend a long time   4  should   7  mustn’t

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