Page 136 - English Grammar in Use Suppl. Ex. - Fifth Edition
P. 136


                  78                           8  don’t have to pay extra for   87
                  2  needn’t    5  should        delivery                   Example answers:
                  3  should     6  must                                     1  play games on your phone
                  4  shouldn’t                 83                             during lessons
                                               2  a, b, c    5  a, b        2  keep a note of new
                  79                           3  a, b       6  a, b, c       vocabulary
                  Example answers:             4  b, c                      3  arrive late for meetings
                  2  ought not to spend the                                 4  pay your fees at the
                    weekend at a music festival  84                           beginning of term
                  3  ought to have visited me  2  he recommended (that)     5  wear smart clothes
                  4  ought to have asked to use it  I (should) book online / he   6  work on Sundays
                  5  ought not to have said it had   recommended booking
                    unlimited data               online                     88
                  6  ought to have booked seats  3  OK                      2  he doesn’t arrive
                                               4  I (should) contact my office      3  won’t refund
                  80                           5  OK (wouldn’t would also be   4  you reach
                  2  a and b     7  a and b      possible)                  5  will you cut
                  3  a           8  a          6  Should my phone be off    6  Would you work
                  4  a and b     9  a          7  OK                        7  didn’t complain
                  5  a and b     10  a and b   8  Why didn’t you demand     8  Wouldn’t my friends be
                  6  a                           (that) the club (should)
                                                 refund your subscription   89
                  81                             / (that) the club refunded   2  will it cost
                   2  ’d better / had better /   your subscription?         3  would it help
                   3  have to                  85                           4  would you buy
                                                                            5  will you do
                   4  have to / should          2  the figures should disappear     6  would you say
                   5  should                    3  I check
                   6  don’t have to             4  we discuss               90
                   7  ’d better / had better / should  5  I shouldn’t bother  2  he didn’t like
                   8  have to                   6  I find                   3  You’ll see
                   9  ’d better not / had better   7  anyone should call    4  Wouldn’t your boyfriend be
                     not / shouldn’t            8  we wait                  5  I don’t revise
                   10  have to                  9  we hire                  6  would you look for
                   11  should                   10  he should be            7  she wasn’t/weren’t
                   12  ’d better / had better / should                      8  would you feel
                  82                           Example answers:             9  you could
                  2  should check that all the   2  set my alarm clock      91
                    windows are shut whenever   3  change them              2  If you  could find / found
                    you go out                  4  go another day             a job using your languages,
                  3  shouldn’t borrow money     5  make promises they can’t   would you take it?
                    from people you hardly know   keep                      3  If it was/were in South
                  4  ’d better / should  keep the   6  travel by train        America,  I’d / I would
                    door shut in case someone   7  be very difficult          certainly consider it carefully.
                    sees us                     8  forgotten I’m waiting for   4  That’d / That would  be a
                  5  have to train regularly if you   him                     great way to travel if you
                    want to succeed in athletics  9  take regular exercise    could speak / spoke  the
                  6  ’d better not / shouldn’t  take    10  go to work by bus  right languages.
                    your phone to the beach. It    11  been very slow       5  I’d / I would  only consider
                    might get stolen            12  find a seat               a job like that if I was/were
                  7  ’d better / should  change your    13  ride a horse … drive a car    sure the travel company was
                    shirt before the guests arrive   14  show her the way     a good one.

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