Page 140 - English Grammar in Use Suppl. Ex. - Fifth Edition
P. 140
10 Why don’t young people 6 didn’t want to see you 3 (me) what I would do when
show more respect to the 7 had had or had I left school
elderly? 8 didn’t believe 4 how the security guard knew
9 had tried or tried his/her name
121 10 had come 5 (me) if/whether I had an
I want to move out. My sister 11 had borrowed or borrowed appointment
has found a flat we can/could 12 would look 6 whether/if his wife had seen
share, and we looked round 13 would talk the blue memory stick
it last week. It has just been 14 was going to be 7 why she hadn’t phoned him
decorated and we liked it 8 Rosie whether/if she would
very much, but we’ve been 125
asked / we were asked to Example answers: carry his laptop for him
pay a month’s rent in advance. would dance to live bands 9 the receptionist when he
Unfortunately, because I’m every night. could see the doctor
working part-time and I don’t (that) room service was available 129
earn much money, I haven’t and they served an international 2 did you say
saved enough for the deposit. menu in the dining room. 3 tell
I’m going to get a new job. I’m (that) we’d love the private 4 to tell
being interviewed tomorrow, beach. 5 would you say
so I have / I’ve got to buy some (that) a fitness centre had been 6 to say
new clothes for the interview. added to the hotel’s facilities, 7 told
the tennis courts could be 8 told
122 booked free of charge and
2 ’d done / had done guests could use the nearby 9 wouldn’t say
3 ’d had / had had golf course free of charge. 10 won’t say
4 ’d worked / had worked 11 ’ve already told / have
5 ’d needed / had needed 126 already told
6 ’d wanted / had wanted 2 Where do you come from? 12 tell me or say
7 ’d visited / had visited 3 I come from Bray. 13 tell
8 ’d been / had been 4 That’s where I was born too. 130
9 ’d spent / had spent 5 I’ve been a fan of yours for 2 told
10 ’d been / had been ages. 3 said
11 ’d brought / had brought 6 That’s very good to hear. 4 told
12 ’d become / had become 7 Are you going to the 5 had said
13 thought concert tonight? 6 to tell
14 had been 8 We want to, but we haven’t 7 said
15 was been able to get tickets. 8 Tell
9 Are the tickets sold out?
123 10 They’ve sold all but the 9 was saying or said
2 wasn’t most expensive ones and 131
3 ’d come / had come we can’t afford those. 2 OK
4 was doing 11 Can they have some at the 3 She was telling us about
5 was going to visit or would cheaper price? her fascinating trip or She
6 wanted 127 was talking about her
fascinating trip
7 had The email should use reported 4 OK
8 to come speech and reported question 5 the receptionist told us that
structures in the same way
124 as the underlined words in the hotel or said that the
2 was upset Exercise 126. hotel
3 wasn’t interested 6 visitors not to touch the
4 had promised or promised 128 exhibits
5 hadn’t turned up or didn’t 2 (me) where I was going to 7 OK
turn up spend the holiday
132 English Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises