Page 143 - English Grammar in Use Suppl. Ex. - Fifth Edition
P. 143
137- Key
151 12 One of the men had a 10 somewhere
2 the 6 the 10 a newspaper. 11 little
3 the 7 a 11 a 12 a few
4 a 8 The 12 the 156 13 no
5 a 9 the Example answers: 14 anywhere
5 None of my friends lives in 15 the whole
152 the country. 16 no
4 The 10 the 16 the 6 Lots of our neighbours have
5 the 11 – 17 – pets. 160
6 – 12 – 18 the 7 All politicians are ambitious. 2 Antonio Stradivari was
7 – 13 the 19 the 8 Some of my cousins are an Italian who made
8 the 14 – 20 the very silly. wonderful violins.
9 the 15 – 9 Neither of my parents 3 Ibn Battuta was a Moroccan
enjoys noisy parties. who travelled through
153 Africa and Asia.
Check carefully your use of the. 157 4 Marie Tussaud was a Swiss
2 none of
154 3 any of woman who opened a
... and the Malaysia and then 4 half (of) … all of … any of waxworks museum in
go on to the Philippines for a 5 most … a few London.
conference about the global 6 much 5 Valentina Tereshkova is a
warming. 7 each Russian who was the first
ROYAL VISIT The King Felipe 8 None of female astronaut.
of the Spain arrives today 9 Few 6 Katsushika Hokusai was a
for a short visit to the United 10 all (of) … each … none of Japanese man who made
Kingdom. After lunch with the the famous print The Great
Queen at the Windsor Castle, 158 Wave off Kanagawa.
he will open an exhibition at 2 have none / I haven’t 7 Joseph Nicéphore Niépce
the National Gallery in the got any was a Frenchman who
Trafalgar Square and in the 3 if anybody gets left produced the first permanent
evening he will have talks with 4 There are no good clubs, photograph.
the businessmen. nothing! or There aren’t 161
RAIL CRASH … The injured any good clubs, nothing! 3 whose 8 –
have been taken to the 5 because he had few 4 who/that 9 –
Southampton General Hospital. friends 5 – 10 that
For the information phone the 6 because all the 6 – 11 –
police on 023 7301023. information you gave me 7 where 12 where
7 I could have any seat
155 8 she has so much 162
Example answers: homework Example answers:
5 All of them were wearing 9 embarrassed that 3 where the food is too
sandals. everyone / everybody expensive
6 None of them was wearing knows my problem 4 who play football or
socks. 10 I’d spend half of it volleyball
7 Both (of) the men had 5 which have unhappy
beards. 159 endings
8 Both (of) the men had 2 anything 6 in which there is plenty of
short hair. 3 All action
9 Both (of) the men were 4 both 7 whose parents don’t give
wearing belts. 5 none of the them any money
10 Neither of the men was 6 them 8 to whom I can say anything
wearing a hat. 7 every weekend 9 which takes good photos
11 Neither of the men was 8 Neither of 10 which involved travelling
wearing a jacket. 9 somebody
English Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises 135