Page 14 - Revista Empire Finanzas Inernacionales
P. 14


       Maria Alejandra Rodríguez 03/08/2020

       Fuentes Citadas,

       Colombia, U. E. (28 de Abril de 2020). La crisis del turismo por el COVID-19. Obtenido de La crisis del turismo por el COVID-19:

       Portafolio. (16 de Mayo de 2020). Latam hará despidos en Chile, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú. Obtenido de Latam hará despidos en Chile, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú:

       PROCOLOMBIA. (21 de Julio de 2020). Coronavirus y su impacto en la economía colombiana. Obtenido de Coronavirus y su impacto en la economía colombiana:
       SEMANA. (07 de Julio de 2020). La crisis del sector hotelero y turístico en Colombia. Obtenido de La crisis del sector hotelero y turístico en Colombia:

        One of the surprises of this 2020 has been the COVID-19 pandemic; since the first cases
        registered in China were released, the world has been on alert to mitigate and counteract
        the spread of the virus.

        Until March 15, Colombia applied the respective health emergency protocols to contain
        and prevent the entry of people infected with corona virus at each of the country's
        international airports in order to reduce the impact that Covid-19 would contract, however
        before and after this date, several sectors of the economy have been affected, one of the
        sectors that has suffered fractures in its economic structure due to the decisions made in

        the emergency has been the tourism sector. (Colombia, 2020)

          “According to the ECLAC report, "in 2020 there would be a reduction of between 20 and 30
         percent in the number of tourist arrivals in the world, a much greater drop than that observed
                                in 2009 (4 percent) (UNWTO, 2020)” (SEMANA, 2020).

        According to the projections of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Colombia is
        expected to contract -7.8%, in 2020, which would constitute the first recession in Colombia
        since 1999, when the economy contracted -4.2 %.
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