Page 189 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 189

Statement and Assumptions                                                                           185
            Ex. 3:
            Statement: Railway officials have started ten new trains and increased the  frequency of fourteen running trains.
            Assumptions: I. The existing trains are not sufficient to provide accommodation to all passengers.
            II.   The new and additional trains would have sufficient passengers so that they will be economically viable.
            Solution:  Clearly, such decisions  are always taken  keeping  in  mind the public  requirements  and  their  economic
            viability for the concerned department. So, both I and II are implicit. Hence, the answer is (e).

              1. ConCept AppliCAtor

            Directions (Qs. 1-20) : In each question below is given      Assumption:  I.  No alternative other than  closing
            a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and    down the factory is left for the management of XYZ
            II. You have to consider the statement and the following   Pvt. Ltd.
            assumptions and decide which of the given assumptions      II. Such threat may have some effect on the workers’
            is implicit in the statement.                             union.                              [Bank P. O.]

            Give answer:                                         5.   Statement: Vitamin E tablets improve circulation,
            (a)  if only assumption I is implicit.                    keep your complexion in a glowing condition
                                                                      Assumption: I. People like a glowing complexion
            (b)  if only assumption II is implicit
            (c)  if either I or II is implicit                        II.  Complexion becomes dull in the absence of
            (d)  if neither I nor II is implicit
                                                                 6.   Statement: Why don’t you go to the court if the
            (e)  if both I and II are implicit.                       employer  does not  pay  you  the  Provident  Fund
            1.   Statement: Detergents should  be used to clean       contribution?
                clothes.                                              Assumptions: I. Courts can intervene in matters of
                Assumptions: I. Detergents form lather                dispute between employer and employees
                II. Detergents help to dislodge grease and dirt.      II.  It  is obligatory for the employer  to pay the
            2.   Statement: The government has decided to pay         Provident Fund contribution to the Employees.
                compensation to the tune of Rs. 1 lakh to the family                                      [Bank P. O.]
                members of those who are killed in railway accidents.  7.   Statement: Nobody can predict as to how long our
                Assumption: I. The government has enough funds        country would take to contain the unfortunate and
                to meet the expenses due to compensation              disastrous terrorist activities.
                II.  There may be reduction in incidents of  railway      Assumption:  I.  It  is  impossible to put an  end to
                accidents in near future.           [Bank P. O.]      terrorist activities.
            3.   Statement: “I have not received telephone bills for      II. Efforts to control the terrorist activities are on
                nine months inspite of several complaints”   - - --A                                    [S. B. I. P. O.]
                telephone customer’s letter to the editor of a daily  8.   Statement: His recent investment in the shares of
                                                    [Bank P. O.]      Company A is only a gamble.
                Assumption: I. Every customer has a right to get      Assumption: I. He may incur loss on his investment
                bills regularly from the telephone company.           II. He may gain form his investment.   [R. B. I.]
                II. The customer’s complaints point to defect in the   9.   Statement: The principal instructed all the teachers
                services which is expected to be corrected.           to be careful in class  because some students may
            4.   Statement: The management  of XYZ Pvt.  Ltd.         disturb other students.
                Asked the workers’ union to call off strike immediately      Assumption: I. The  teachers  will  handle  the
                otherwise the management would be forced to close     situation properly and they will point out the naughty
                down the factory.                                     students
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