Page 190 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 190
186 Statement and Assumptions
II. The students will welcome the decision of 15. Statement: The government has decided to
Principal. [S. B. I. P. O.] disinvest large chunk of its equity in select public
10. Statement: This year most of the shops and sector undertakings for a better fiscal management.
departmental stores are offering prizes and discounts Assumptions: I. The amount generated out of the
on purchases to attract customers disinvestment process may reduce substantially the
mounting fiscal deficits.
Assumptions: I. The shops and departmental
stores have so far earned a lot of profit, so now they II. There will be enough demand in the market for
have started sharing it with the customers. the shares of these undertakings. [RBI]
16. Statement: If he is intelligent, he will pass the
II. Lots of goods are available but the sale is not examination.
shooting up. There is no cheer for the customers.
11. Statement: Provide mid-day meals to the children Assumption: I. To pass, he must be intelligent
in primary schools to increase the number of students II. He will pass the examination. [SSC]
attending schools 17. Statement: If it is easy to become an engineer, I
Assumptions: I. Mid-day meals will attract the don’t want to be an engineer.
children to the schools Assumptions: I. An individual aspires to be
II. Those children who are otherwise deprived of professional.
good food will attend the schools. [SIDBI] II. One desires to achieve a thing which is hard
12. Statement: Traffic jams on most of the roads in the earned.
city have become a regular feature during monsoon. 18. Statement: Kartik left for Delhi on Tuesday by
Assumption: I. Material used for road construction train to attend a function to be held on Friday at his
cannot withstand the fury of monsoon resulting into uncle’s house in Delhi.
innumerable pot holes on the roads. Assumptions: I. Kartik may reach Delhi on
II. Number of vehicles coming on the roads is much Wednesday.
more in monsoon as compared to other seasons. II. Kartik may reach Delhi before Friday.
[RBI] [Bank PO]
13. Statement: “Private property, trespassers will be 19. Statement: The civic authority has advised the
prosecuted”- A notice on a plot of land. residents in the area to use mosquito repellents or
Assumption: I. The passerby may read the notice sleep inside nets as large number of people are
and may not trespass. suffering from malaria.
II. The people are scared of prosecution. Assumption: I. Local residents have enough money
[SBI PO] to arrange for the repellents or nets.
14. Statement: “Use our product to improve memory II. People may ignore and continue to get mosquito
of our child. It is based on natural herbs and has bites as they have other pressing needs.
no harmful side effects.”---- An advertisement of a [Bank PO]
pharmaceutical company.
Assumptions: I. People generally opt for a medical 20. Statement: Many historians have done more harm
than good by distorting truth.
product which is useful and has no harmful side
effects. Assumptions: I. People believe what is reported by
II. Improving memory of child is considered as the historians.
important by many parents. [Bank PO] II. Historians are seldom expected to depict the truth.