Page 192 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 192

188                                                                               Statement and Assumptions
            10.  Statement: The head  of the organization             Assumptions: I. The employees may get motivated
                congratulated the entire staff in his speech for their   and maintain and if possible enhance their present
                sincere effort to bring down the deficit and urged    level of work.
                them to give their best for attaining a more profitable      II. The employees may now relax and slow down in
                position in future.                                   their day to day work as there is no immediate threat
                                                                      of huge deficit                       [SBI PO]

              3. ConCept CrACker

            Direction (Qs. 1-10): In each question below is           Assumption: I. People may now start paying more
            given a statement followed  by two assumptions            taxes in response to the appeal.
            number I and II.                                          II. The total income tax collection may considerably

            An assumption is something supposed or taken for          increase in the near future.
            granted.  You  have  to consider  the  statement  and  the   4.   Statement: The  state government  has decided
            following assumption and decide which of the assumptions   to   appoint four thousand primary school teachers
            is implicit in the statement.                             during the next financial year.
            Give answer:                                              Assumption: I. There are enough  school in the
                                                                      state to accommodate four thousand primary school
            (a)  if only assumption I is implicit.                    teachers.
            (b)  if only assumption II is implicit.                   II. The eligible candidates may not be interested to
            (c)  if either assumption I or II is implicit.            apply  as the Government  may not finally  appoint
            (d)  if neither assumption I nor II is implicit.          such a largest number of primary school teachers.
            (e)  if both assumptions I and II are implicit.      5.   Statement: The school authority  has decided  to
                                                                      increase the number of students in each classroom
            1.   Statement:    The     General    Administration      to seventy from the next academic session to bridge
                Department has issued a circular to all the employees   the  gap between income and expenditure to a
                information them that henceforth the employees can    largest extent.
                avail their lunch break at any of the half-hour slots      Assumption: I. The income generated  by way
                between 1.00 pm and 2.30 pm.                          of fees of the additional  students will be sufficient
                Assumption: I. The employees may welcome the          enough to bridge the gap.
                decision and avail lunch break at different time slots.     II. The school will get all the additional students in
                II. There may be not be any break in the work of the   each class from the next academic session.
                organisation as the employees will have their lunch                                Canara Bank (PO)
                break at different time slots.                   6.   Statement: Even though the number of factories is
            2.   Statement: The Government has decided against        increasing at a fast rate in India, we still continue to
                reduction of  prices  of  petroleum products though   import it from other countries.
                there is a signification drop in the crude oil prices in      Assumption: I. Even  the  increased  number of
                the  international market.                            factories may be not able to meet the demand for
                Assumption: I. The prices of crude oil in the         sugar in India.
                international market may again increase in the near      II. The demand for sugar may increased substantially
                future.                                               in future.
                II.  The present prices difference of petroleum   7.   Statement: The Government announced a heavy
                products will help the government to with stand any   compensation  package  for all the victims of the
                possible price rise in future.                        terrorist  attacks.
            3.   Statement: The Govt has made an appeal to all        Assumption: I. Such incident  of terror may not
                                                                      occur in near future.
                the citizens to honestly  pay  income  tax and  file
                return reflecting the true  income  level  to help  the      II. Compensation  may mitigate anger among  the
                Government to carry out developmental activates.      citizens against the current government.
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