Page 196 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 196
192 Statement and Assumptions
Concept Builder
1. (e) both I and II follows 5. (b) the statement says that large number of people
2. (d) it is clear that the city bus have to provide bus travelling by air has increased in the recent years,
services according to the needs of the local person which implies that large number of persons can
and not as per their own convenience. So I is not affords. So, only II.
implicit. So, again the statements says of an appeal 6. (e) the statement mentions that science is reliable
of a resident of Ram Nagar. And nothing can be said as facts can be verified by investigation. So, I is
about the company’s response to appeals of the implicit II follows directly from the last sentence in
residents of the colony. So, II is also not implicit. the statement and so it is also implicit.
3. (e) 7. (a)
4. (d) it doesn’t mean that the candidate listens to news 8. (b) I is vague so it is not implicit.
on the radio, will not read newspaper or radio is not 9. (a)
the only source of information (news). So neither I 10. (a)
nor II.
Concept Cracker
Solution for 1–5: 9. (b) Assumption I is ruled out because of the word
1. (e) A decision is taken when it is felt that it would be only. But II is implicit because without considering
accepted by most of the people concerned. Hence I this factor relocation won’t make sense.
is implicit. II is also implicit as the reason behind the 10. (a) Assumption I is implicit as the govt’s moves are
need. generally aimed at protecting the interests of the
2. (d) it is not necessary that price rise he these on the masses. But II is not implicit because of “any other
mind of the govt while taking the decision. Hence I way”. There might be other means of gambling which
nor II is implicit. In fact, the truth is that our petroleum the govt does not consider significantly detrimental
companies are running losses even after the drop for the people.
international prices. Solution for 11-15 :
3. (e) Both are imminent positive outcomes assumed.
11. (b) When one applies for leave, one assumes that
4. (a) I is implicit because teachers can’t be appointed it would be granted. Hence I is not implicit. But
in a vacuum II is more of a presumption. Assumption II is implicit because only then the
5. (e) When a move a made, it is assumed to be period of “two years” assumes meaning
effective Hence I is implicit. It is also assumed that
the stipulated target will be met. Hence II is implicit. 12. (a) when you instruct someone to do something, you
assume that he may do it. Hence II is implicit and II
Solution for 6-10 : is not.
6. (a) Assumption I is implicit because it is this that us
import sugar in spite of increase in the number of 13. (e) Assumption I is implicit as this is the purpose
sugar factories. assumed while levying the tax. II is also implicit
But II is not implicit because “future” is beyond the because when a rule is framed, it is assumed that
scope of the statement people are capable of following it.
7. (b) Compensation is a way of sympathising with 14. (a) Assumption I is implicit in “at their own cost”.
the victims, not a different to terrorism. Hence II is Assumption II is contrary to what the citizens may
implicit but I is not. have assumed.
8. (a) Assumption I is implicit because only then the 15. (d) Were it assumed that the employees might
switching over makes sense. But II need not be leave, such a decision would not be taken. Hence
an assumption. The switching over may have Assumption I is implicit. Assumption II is not implicit
been prompted by economic factors or those of because “next year” is present nowhere in the
convenience. picture.