Page 199 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 199

Statement and Arguments                                                                             195

              1. ConCept AppliCAtor

            Directions (Qs. 1-25) : Each question given  below        Arguments: I. No. joint families ensure security and
            consists  of a statement, followed by two  argument's     also reduce the burden of work.
            numbered I and II. You have  to decide  which of the      II. Yes Nuclear families ensure greater freedom.
            arguments is a ‘strong’ argument and which is a ‘weak’   6.   Statement:  Should there be concentration  of
            argument.                                                 foreign investment in only few states ?
            Give answer:                                              Argument: I. No. It is against the policy of overall
            (a)  if only argument I is strong                         development of the country.
            (b)  if only argument II are strong                       II. Yes. A large number of states lack infrastructure to
            (c)  if either I or II is strong                          attract foreign investment.         (S.B.I.P.O.)
            (d)  if neither I nor II is strong and               7.   Statement: Should  India  engage  into  a dialogue
            (e)  if both I and II are strong.                         with neighbouring  countries to stop cross border
            1.   Statement:  Should agriculture  in rural  India be   tension ?
                mechanized ?                                          Argument: I. Yes. This is the only way to reduce
                Arguments: I. Yes. It would  lead  to higher          the cross border terrorism and stop loss of innocent
                production.                                           lives.
                II. No. Many villagers would be left unemployed.      II. No. Neighbouring countries cannot be relied upon
            2.   Statement: Should  the educated  unemployed          in such matters, they may still engage in subversive
                youth be paid ‘’ unemployment allowance’’ by the      activities.                         (S.B.I.P.O.)
                Government ?                                     8.   Statement: Should system of offering jobs only to
                Arguments: I. Yes. It will provide  them  some        the wards of government employees be introduced
                monetary help to either  seek employment  or to       in all government offices in India ?
                kickstart some ‘self-employment’ venture.             Argument: I. No. It denies opportunity to many
                II.  No. It  will dampen  their urge to do something   deserving individuals and government may stand to
                to earn their Livelihood and thus promote idleness    lose in the long run.
                among the unemployed youth.          (Bank P.O.)      II. No. It is against the principle of equality. Does not
            3.   Statement: Should all the practicing doctors be      government owe its responsibility to all its citizens?
                brought under Government control so that they get                                         (S.B.I.P.O.)
                salary from the Government and treat patients free   9.   Statement: Should  the sex determination test
                of cost ?                                             during pregnancy be completely banned ?
                Arguments: I. No. How can any country do such         Arguments: I. Yes. This leads to indiscriminate
                an undemocratic thing ?                               female  feticide and eventually  will lead  to social
                II.  Yes.  Despite many problems, it  will certainly   imbalance.
                help minimize, if not eradicate, unethical  medical      II.  No.  People have a right to know about their
                practices.                              (R.B.I.)      unborn child.                       (Bank P.O.)
            4.   Statement: Should there be more than one High   10.  Statement: Should there be only one rate of interest
                Courts in each state in India ?                       nor term deposits of varying durations in banks ?
                Argument: I. No. This will be a sheer wastage of      Arguments: I. No. People will refrain from keeping
                taxpayers’ money.                                     money for longer duration resulting into reduction of
                II. Yes. This will help  reduce the  backlog of cases   liquidity level of banks.
                pending for a very long time.          (I.B.P.S.)
                                                                      II. Yes. This will be much simple for the common
            5.   Statement:  Are nuclear families  better than  joint   people and they may be encouraged to keep more
                families ?                                            money in banks.                     (Bank. P.O.)
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