Page 200 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 200
196 Statement and Arguments
11. Statement: Should all refugees, who make 17. Statement: Should there be a ban on product
unauthorized entry into a country, be forced to go advertising ?
back to their homeland? Arguments: I. No. It is an age of advertising.
Arguments: I. Yes, they leave their colonies and Unless your advertisement is better than your other
occupy a lot of land. competitors, the product will not be sold.
II. No. They leave their homes because of hunger or II. Yes. The money spent on advertising is very huge
some terror and on human grounds, should not be and it inflates the cost of the product.
forced to go back. (Bank P.O.)
12. Statement: Should the oil companies be allowed 18. Statement: Should those who receive dowry,
to fix the price of petroleum products depending on despite the law prohibiting, be punished?
market conditions? Arguments: I. Yes. Those who violate the law, must
Arguments: I. Yes. This is the only way to make the be punished.
oil companies commercially viable. II. No. Dowry system is firmly rooted in the society
II. No. This will put additional burden on the retail since time immemorial.
prices of essential commodities and will cause a lot 19. Statement: Should all the infrastructural
of hardships to the masses. (Bank P.O.) development projects in India be handed over to the
private sector ?
13. Statement: Should there be a maximum limit for
the number of ministers in the Central government ? Arguments: I. No. the private sector entities are not
equipped to handle such projects.
Arguments: I. No. The political party in power
should have the freedom to decide the number of II. Yes. Such projects are handled by private sector in
ministers to be appointed. the developed countries. (Bank P.O.)
20. Statement: Should our country extend generous
II. Yes. The number of ministers should be restricted behavior and goodwill to our erring and nagging
to a certain percentage of the total number of seats neighbours?
in the parliament to avoid unnecessary expenditure.
Arguments: I. Yes. Goodwill always pays dividend.
(Bank P.O) II. No. our generous behavior and goodwill be
14. Statement: Should non – non vegetarian food be considered as our weakness. (Bank P.O.)
totally banned in our country ?
21. Statement:Should judiciary be independent of the
Arguments: I. Yes. It is expensive and therefor it is executive ?
beyond the means of most people in our country.
Arguments: I. Yes. This would help curb the
II. No. Nothing should be banned in a democratic unlawful activities of the executive.
country like ours. II. No. the executive would not be able to take bold
15. Statement: Should Indian become a permanent measures. (R.B.I.)
member of ‘UN’s security Council ? 22. Statement: Should indian scientists working
Arguments: I. Yes. India has emerged as a country abroad be called back to India?
which loves peace and amity. Arguments: I. Yes. They must serve the motherland
II. No. let us first solve problems of our own people first and forget about discoveries, honours, facilities
like poverty, malnutrition. (I.B.P.S.) and all.
16. Statement: Should the persons below the age of II. No. We have enough talent, let them stay where
18 years be allowed to join armed forces ? they want. (S.B.I.)
Arguments: I. No. Persons below the age of 18 23. Statement: Is paying ransom or agreeing to the
do not attain both physical and mental maturity to conditions of kidnappers of political figures, a proper
shoulder such burden. course of action ?
Arguments: I. yes. the victims must be saved at all
II. Yes. This will help the country develop its armed cost.
forces which will serve the country for a longer time.
II. No. It encourages the kidnappers to continue their
(Bank P.O.)
sinister activities.