Page 205 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 205
Statement and Arguments 201
problem of educated unemployment IV. No. Those who are repentant for the crime
II. Yes. It creates complexes among employees they committed should be given a chance to
and affects the work adversely. improve and lead a normal life.
III. No. This goes against the basic rights of the (a) Only II and IV are strong
individuals (b) All are strong
(c) Only III is strong
IV. Yes. This will increase productivity
(a) Only I and II are strong (d) Only II and III are strong
(b) All are strong (e) Only I, II and III are strong.
(c) Only II and IV are strong 8. Statement: Should the rule of wearing helmet for
(d) Only III is strong both driver and pillion rider while driving a motor
[Bank PO]
bike be enforced strictly?
(e) None of these [Bank PO] Arguments: I. Yes. It is a rule and rules should be
7. Statement: Should all those who are convicted followed strictly by all.
for heinous crimes like murder or rape, beyond all II. No. Each individual knows how to protect his
reasonable doubts be given capital punishment or own life and it should be left to his discretion.
death penalty?
Arguments: I. No. the death penalty should be III. No. It does not ensure safety as only the head is
protected and rest of the body is not.
given only in very rare and exceptional cases. IV. Yes. It is a necessity as head, being the most
II. Yes. This is the only way to punish such people sensitive organ, is protected by the helmet.
who take others’ lives or indulge in inhuman (a) None is strong
(b) Only I and III are strong
III. Yes. Such severe punishments only will make (c) Only I and IV are strong
people refrain from such heinous acts and the (d) Only II and IV are strong
society will be safer.
(e) All are strong.