Page 207 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 207
Statement and Arguments 203
17. (e) Clearly, it is the advertisement which makes the 22. (a) Clearly, every person must be free to work
customer aware of the qualities of the product and wherever he wants and no compulsion should be
leads him to buy it. So, argument I is valid. But at made to confine one to one’s own country. So,
the same time, advertising nowadays has become a argument I is vague. However, talented scientists
cost affair and expenses on it add to the price of the can be of great benefit to the nation and some
product. So, argument II also holds strong. alternatives as special incentives or better prospects
18. (a) Clearly, laws are made to ensure that no person may be made available to them to retain them within
pursues the practice. So, persons who violate the their motherland. So, argument II also does not hold.
laws need to be punished. Thus, argument I holds. A
wrong practice, no matter how firmly rooted, needs 23. (e) Both the argument are strong enough. The
to be ended. So, argument II is vague. condition have to be agreed to, in order to save the
19. (d) Clearly, such projects if handed over to the private life of the victims, though actually they ought not to
sector shall be given to a competent authority. So, be agreed to, as they encourage the sinister activities
argument I is vague. Also, imitating a policy on of the kidnappers.
the basis that it worked out successfully in other 24. (b) For the all –round progress of the nation, all
countries, holds no relevance. Thus, argument II also the students, especially the talented and intelligent
does not hold strong. ones, must avail of higher education, even if the
20. (e) Clearly, a good behavior may at some point government has to pay for it, So, only argument II
of time lead to mutual discussions and peaceful holds.
settlement of issues in the long run. So, argument
I holds strong. However, such a behavior may be 25. (a) clearly, 15 year old vehicles are not Euro-
mistaken for our weakness and it would be difficult compliant and hence cause much more pollution
to continue with it if the other country doesn’t stop than the recent ones. So, argument I holds. Argument
its sinister activities. Hence, II also holds. II is vague since owners of these vehicles need not
21. (a) Clearly, independent judiciary is necessary for shift themselves. They might sell off their vehicles
impartial judgement so that the Executive does not and buy new ones – a small price which every citizen
take wrong measures. So, only argument I hold. can afford for a healthy environment.
Concept Builder
1. (d) As I is weak because it is Superfluous, it dose not 7. (e) I is strong because it is desirable to help the needy
go into the reason for population control. II. Is an students. II is also strong because compromising on
argument by example and hence weak. quality takes away from the purpose of education.
2. (a) I is strong because female foeticide is undesirable. 8. (b) I is weak because it gives undue weightage to
II is weak. nuclear power. Hydel power etc also help reduce
3. (e) I is true on Humaterian Ground and II on air pollution. II is strong because safety is a very
economic ground. important criterion.
4. (b) I is weak because it is not relevant to “complete 9. (d) I is weak because it lacks in substance. Merely
ban”, II is a strong argument because banning mining calling something a "nuisance” is simplistic. II is
in such a scenario will lead us into great trouble. weak because it wrongly assumes that those people
5. (e) I is strong as improved ambience is desirable. can’t contribute to the nation otherwise.
II is strong because regimentation of adults is 10. (a) I is strong because performance should definitely
undesirable. be a criterion for “national sport” status. II is irrelevant
6. (a) I is strong as growth of the economy is desirable. one fails to see the harm in two nations sharing a
II is not strong because Saturdays and Sundays are national sport. Besides, if every nation decided to
meant for this very intermitten rest”. This purpose is have a different national sport, we would run out of
not served by holidays. sports as there would be just too many countries.